idk, i really dont know anything about the hdr or any of that all i know is i love how these pics turned out...
idk, i really dont know anything about the hdr or any of that all i know is i love how these pics turned out...
2012 Mustang GT Premium Brembo package
"just a stock car with an air intake"
Best ET 12.24@114
no what its called is you got a pogram or a plugin and just went full 100% with it..90% of the people who try HDR fail because they give results like this...I shoot with a little more then a PointNShoot sooo dont give me that. No use of the rule of 3rds either..everything is smack in the center of the frame.
2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
No I don't and I didnt' go anywhere near what you claim to call "100%". I don't care if you are a photographer for a magazine you don't know dick about how I process images.
YOU can do whatever the **** you want with yours it's not called "GuyWithCamera artistic photography" for nothing. :p
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
GTFO LOL..I can load up my Photomatix and produce a 100% copy of the results you got in your HDR IMages in like 30sec..its called turning that app up too ok maybe you went to 87% on all its didnt do anything special on the edits other then that..I have been doing this for a long time and used alot of programs and I know the results from certain apps when i see them. you post any of these things on pretty much any photography forum and they will cut it apart as well.
It doesnt ALWAYS need to be followed but if it is not it usually is for a reason because the image is something special about it of a more to a focus point. not just quick snaps of a car smack dead in the middle of the photo.It's not a rule it's a guide, that doesn't always have to come into play. It's photography, it's expression, it's art...ART doesn't follow "rules" You sound like you learned how to take "pictures" from "google" LOL
Well enjoy taken your pics that way then. I wont look at them and I bet most others on here who are into photography can say the same thing
Last edited by VaderGT; 09-05-2011 at 01:58 PM.
2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
Go ahead then, reproduce it.
Here's your photomatix "100%" version you're talking about.
I could care less what someone on a photography forum thinks about the use of HDR because I'm not a photographer.
Also you couldn't tell how any of my stuff is done because I could show you a 400% dynamic range photo with some contrast tweaks straight off the camera (Yeah the S5 does that) that you would go crying was overdone HDR lol. There are no "apps" involved outside of adjustments in contrast and adjusting different hues seperately from eachother within Photoshop. Pics are HDR 3 pics +-.3EV with dynamic range turned up to 400% on the camera itself. O NOES YOU KNOW MY SECRET! Oh and occasinally I put an "s" curve in to darken certain ranges. Oh and here's another secret, I take my own "stock photos" of sky and water and such and on a rare occasion I will even fix the sky in my photos OMG it's photoshopped art!!! LOL!
The sky in this photo however is how it looked on the camera, I removed the HDR sky and replaced it with a single 400% DR off the camera shot of the sky and adjusted contrast seperately. So not even the entire image is HDR ;)
Last edited by Bluemeanietsi; 09-05-2011 at 02:05 PM.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
well there were only like two people out of like 15 who bitched about the odds are in his favor
2012 Mustang GT Premium Brembo package
"just a stock car with an air intake"
Best ET 12.24@114
shoot how you want..I was just giving some info on what not to do. Not my pics
2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
I wouldn't take a photo of a black car in the dark, and crop it so that it doesn't follow the rule of 1/3rds either...but I'm not going to go telling YOU how to take YOUR photos. ;)
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
Here are a couple NON-HDR 400% dynamic range done straight through the camera, all I did was adjust contrast and a few % here and there on hues. I've had people who h"think" they know about HDR tell me it was way over done in these photos. I said those are single exposures off the camera with contrast and hue adjustments.
I'm not a photographer, I'm an artist. I could turn the sky pink if I wanted to and not give a shit about what a "photographer" says about my photos. But I certainly don't go around telling them how to do their job :)
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
^yeah...those pictures look awesome.
LOLI wouldn't take a photo of a black car in the dark, and crop it so that it doesn't follow the rule of 1/3rds either...but I'm not going to go telling YOU how to take YOUR photos.
2005 Mustang GT
11.2 @ 123
Its supposed to look like that. I enjoy "Surrealism" i'm not a purist and people that have seen my work know this.
Car guys are dicks, people who are "photograpers" are bigger dicks...put them together lol.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
you sure do get your undies in a twist when someone doesnt like your pics.
Also all this talk like your doing all this work on the photos and your just adjusting a few settings in the camera and let it do everything for you...LOL i dont think you can tell anyone how to edit photos then.
2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
Not at all, what got me upset is you claiming you could reproduce somethung because you knew how it was done. You cant, because hoe you think I do something isnt even close. I don't go around telling surgeons I can do a heart transplant because I know how a knife and an overhead flashlight work and read on google how to do it.
I don't care if you like them don't tell me how I should do my job. :)
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
Good luck! :p
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
this took about 25sec in Photomatix and just a quick snap from backdoor
2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport
Yeah that pic sucks, i wouldn't sell that to someone either. Photomatix is horrible.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
got the lolz from this thread..
94 Ford Ranger
01 KX125
2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)