Lou asked me to come up with a good route through the Laurel highlands for a fall cruise... This is the edited version (original was over an hour longer and 80 miles more)
Starting at the Walmart in Latrobe, going east on 30 till the flight 93 crash site for a stop then to Shellsburg (option to stop at the old ship hotel site) then to Blue Knob (option to stop at the picnic area below the summit) then down Rt 164 to Rt220 to Rt 56 all the way to Scalp Ave in Johnstown then down Eisenhower Blvd to Ferndale where we will get on Rt 985 to 271 to ligonier then back on Rt 30 to the walmart in Latrobe (or somewhere to eat in theat general area)
Here's where I'm going to assume Lou wanted to do this on a sunday mid to late October, so a date and start time is needed.
I went on a cruise last fall and the painfuly slow cruise speed killed so much fun I could have taken hostages so expect to do the speed limit (drag set ups are going to be a bad Idea)2 way radio's (FRS) would also help keep everyone informed of whats going on too.
Here's where I'll open it up to sugestions and comments... I have been on the roads I picked many times and are my favorite roads for driving on in this area so I'll probably not be in the mood to budge much on the route unless it gets longer ;)