Well up from my LONG day at the track yesterday. Got there about 9am and made my last pass at 1:45am this morning. Got home around 3:30am. Feel sorry for those racing and working at PRP today as I'm sure they were still racing when I got home. Only to start this all over at 8am today.
Ended up with 6 passes and started out bad and ended up nearly in the 11's. I didn't touch a dang thing on the car. Only thing was I made damn sure to maintain 13psi in my slicks. Launch was a steady diet of 6000rpm and shocks struts at #3. Shifts stayed at 6300 1-2, 6250 2-3 and 6200 3-4
First pass I think my head was up my ass. let clutch out before I had it in 2nd so nice crunch from gears.
15.58@54.66 (1.61 sixty somehow) 11:38am
Next pass had it in my head to make clean shifts but think I was a little slow on them.
12.38@109.14 (1.61 sixty) 3:41pm
Dialed 12.28 on car as I thought mid 20's. I wasn't close
Goes 12.178@109.22 (1.60 sixty) standing on brakes before traps. Crossed traps first but saw other guys win light. Thought damn how far under did I go! This pass was slower time wise everywhere other than 1/4 compared to my 12.18 pass last week. 6:53pm
Bought back in $30 and this turned out to be best $30 spent all weekend.
Dial 12.16 10:31pm
Goes 12.112@111.55 (1.58 sixty) 7.69@88.29 Won with a horrible .250 light
Round 3
Dial 12.11 12.43 am
Goes 12.118@111.52 (1.61 sixty) 7.70@88.53
Round 4
Dial 12.11 1:45am
Goes 12.07@111.72 (1.57 sixty) 7.66@88.34Lost with a redlight
Those last 4 passes I made were perfect from launch to finish. Made my shifts so quick and clean I think I scared myself. The launchs were perfect. Car just shot out forward picking up front nice and level. Will have scans of timelslips later.