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Thread: Rough Idle and Code p2197

  1. #1
    map22 map22's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Question Rough Idle and Code p2197

    Driving home from the cruise yesterday, every time I would come to a stop, the car would idle fairly rough sometimes wanting to shut off. A few minutes after I noticed it, it threw a code. P2197. System running to lean. Any ideas? Read up on it some what and it seems to be pointing me towards my O2 sensors.
    2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
    -Under the knife this winter

  2. #2
    Will Work For Car Parts Terminated's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Found this from quick Google search

    TSB 04-17-4: MIL Lamp On, Lean DTCs – 2000-’02 Escort and Contour If you find any lean DTCs on one of these vehicles, Ford says the cause may be an engine vacuum leak, possibly around the PCV valve or in the PCV vacuum plumbing. Such a leak may set the following DTCs: P0171, P0174, P1130, P1131, P1150, P1151, P2195 or P2197. The codes may indicate a lean fuel condition or a lack of heated oxygen sensor (HEGO) switching. Ford says not to replace the oxygen sensor, MAF sensor or PCM because the cause may only be a vacuum leak or an incorrect sized PCV valve that flows too much air.
    To check for a possible vacuum leak, use your scan tool to look at long-term fuel trim (LONGFT) and short-term fuel trim (SHRTFT). With the engine warm and idling, add the long-term and short-term fuel trim numbers together. If the total correction is greater than plus 20% at idle, it probably indicates a vacuum leak that is making the fuel mixture run lean. To confirm the leak, rev the engine to 2,500 rpm and hold. Again, note the LONGFT and SHRTFT numbers. Add the numbers together. If the total correction at 2,500 rpm drops 15% or more, it confirms a vacuum leak at idle.
    To find the vacuum leak, try pinching off individual vacuum hoses one by one while watching the SHRTFT number on your scan tool. When the SHRTFT number drops, you’ve found the leak. If no hose leaks are found, the problem may be a leaky intake manifold gasket. Try feeding propane around the gasket. When the SHRTFT correction drops, you’ve found the leak.

    Edit: just noticed it says Escort/Contour, but this was from forum on an 02 GT... So maybe check for any Vac leaks?
    Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009

    If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump

  3. #3
    map22 map22's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Ya Im gonna check for them today, before I go and spend money on it lol
    Just wanted some opinions.
    Thanks man
    2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
    -Under the knife this winter

  4. #4
    I have had a serious problem with my 95 Ford Explorer. Rough running and the "OD OFF" light came on and would not go out. I read multiple codes that said the engine and trans had problems. I thought the mass air meter was causing problems. A friend of mine told me while the motor was running , knock on the mass air meter like you were knocking on a door. I did this and the engine smoothed out. The "ODD OFF" light shut off. I guess there was some crap on my mass air meter. Go figure. Hope your solution is as easy!

  5. #5
    map22 map22's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Donstang86 View Post
    I have had a serious problem with my 95 Ford Explorer. Rough running and the "OD OFF" light came on and would not go out. I read multiple codes that said the engine and trans had problems. I thought the mass air meter was causing problems. A friend of mine told me while the motor was running , knock on the mass air meter like you were knocking on a door. I did this and the engine smoothed out. The "ODD OFF" light shut off. I guess there was some crap on my mass air meter. Go figure. Hope your solution is as easy!

    Yea i figured it out i guess (for now) lol. I cleaned the iac motor and maf sensor, checked all my vacuum lines, and tightened up all my intake boots. I cleared the code and drove about 50 miles with no problems so far.
    2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
    -Under the knife this winter

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