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Myself and 4 friends went down to Saddle ridge in Pittsburgh last night, my buddy always carrys 2 guns on him, one on him and one under the seat so he brought them along in my vehicle. I have a carry permit, my wife does, he does, and one of the other girls with us does too.
Anyways, we left Saddle ridge at 2 pm and headed up 51 and ran into a DUI check point in Brentwood, we roll up with the windows down and I hand the officer my licence, he asks if I had anything to drink (No), then asks if there are any weapons in the car. I acknowledged my buddy had 2, next thing you know, they are ordering us hands where you can see them and he yells to the other officers something adout a zoolo? Out of the car we go one at a time and pating us down. They snag up his guns and drag him off to the side to grill him and check all the numbers on them. I felt like a criminal, just doesn't seem right to be yanked off the road and treated like trash over a legal concealed carry. Anyone else know anything about this or have it happen? We had to sit there for about 40 minutes for them to check it all out.