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Thread: Anyone know what happened to Stropes Speed Shop?

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  1. #1

    Anyone know what happened to Stropes Speed Shop?

    My friend needs a Z06 tuned and I see that they are out of business. Just wandering if anyone knows what happened?

  2. #2
    Wrench Wench & GeekGrrl stanggrrl's Avatar
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    Suprise to hear...but I did a quick Google search and found this:

    Stropes Speed Shop
    171 Washington Pike (Route 844)
    Avella, PA 15312
    Tel: 724-587-3957

    Looks like they moved. I'm surprised they didn't post a sign that they moved. Will be interesting to find out if they're still tuning Mustangs.


  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    As for the address in Avella...

    I live about 2 miles from there and they didn't move there. That used to be another one of their locations back in the day.

    As far as the one in Washington im not to sure why they closed either. But add another bad experience to the list along with tons of other word of mouth bad experiences.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by stanggrrl View Post
    Suprise to hear...but I did a quick Google search and found this:

    Stropes Speed Shop
    171 Washington Pike (Route 844)
    Avella, PA 15312
    Tel: 724-587-3957

    Looks like they moved. I'm surprised they didn't post a sign that they moved. Will be interesting to find out if they're still tuning Mustangs.
    They took their website down, and their phone number went dead with no forwarding phone or address. I wonder if its the same shop. You would think that if someone moved they would promote it.

  5. #5
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    I just heard this recently, and wasnt suprised as they werent very friendly there and there prices were kinda high. It was a nice shop and a great location though, maybe a Ford place could be successfull there.
    Corvette Z06

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  6. #6
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmkillr View Post
    I just heard this recently, and wasnt suprised as they werent very friendly there and there prices were kinda high. It was a nice shop and a great location though, maybe a Ford place could be successfull there.

    I can vouch for this. He treated me like an asshole on the phone.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  7. #7
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    I can vouch for this. He treated me like an asshole on the phone.
    I had my '97 GT dyno'd there about 3 years ago. The son seemed very knowledgeable (at least with GM) and a fairly nice fellow, but that old man... he had the personality of a 20 year-old housecat with arthritis.

    EDIT: I drove past there last week and that shop is definitely closed. Ya know, with a built-in dynojet dyno, there's quite an investment in the building. It'd be kinda costly to remove it, haul it and install it somewhere else wouldn't it?
    Last edited by Troll; 04-01-2007 at 11:31 AM.

  8. #8
    Wrench Wench & GeekGrrl stanggrrl's Avatar
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    Odd. Papa Strope was always nice to me. Then again, he might have a thing about blonde chicks.


  9. #9
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    he was a total prick.....told me and my buddy he wouldnt touch a v6 buddy's v6 is only puttin down 356 rwhp

  10. #10
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    I had my '97 GT dyno'd there about 3 years ago. The son seemed very knowledgeable (at least with GM) and a fairly nice fellow, but that old man... he had the personality of a 20 year-old housecat with arthritis.

    EDIT: I drove past there last week and that shop is definitely closed. Ya know, with a built-in dynojet dyno, there's quite an investment in the building. It'd be kinda costly to remove it, haul it and install it somewhere else wouldn't it?

    The dyno has already been removed from what i'm told.

    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

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  11. #11
    they are out of busness they are a bunch of aholes that had no idea what they were doing. if your buddy with the zo6 needs a tune call brian at jjs automotive he could point you in the right direction

  12. #12
    GOT RUMBLE??? Balaska347's Avatar
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    I took my car to stropes and I would never take anything there ever again. My car is N/A and when they would put a tune to it it wouldn't even run long enough to make a pull. They worked on it for three hours and did nothing so they said I needed a ford or a SCT MAF sensor. I run a Pro-M 80mm, and they said that is why they couldn't tune it. I called Kauffmans and they said that they were crazy and they could tune it with the Pro-m MAF it takes more experience. If you go there good luck!

    '89 Mustang GT
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  13. #13
    NEWB cc4x4rider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmkillr View Post
    I just heard this recently, and wasnt suprised as they werent very friendly there and there prices were kinda high. It was a nice shop and a great location though, maybe a Ford place could be successfull there.
    X2 Wanted $500 to just install a ring and pinion 2 years ago. I had all parts {ring gear was already on carrier} for the d60 in my camaro.
    Last edited by cc4x4rider; 04-10-2007 at 01:52 PM. Reason: im always edited

  14. #14
    Member 94REDGT's Avatar
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    There is a place on Rt 88 Librbay road in castle shannon called Speed Nation.. They have a dyno in back and there is always cars there. I have never used them .... they have been there about a year There across the street from Team Nutz car audio and right before Castle Shannon Fire Hall

  15. #15
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    good luck with them[speednation] JJs automotive does turning just PM Mater and they have access to a dyno as well

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