in the end, we are all tuna in a huge dragnet,![]()
in the end, we are all tuna in a huge dragnet,![]()
Everyone should be quivering in fear from "terrorism".
they are out of control
im for less government and leave me alone!
03 Torch Red Anni. Ed. Cobra
11 Grabber Blue 5.0, 3D500 spoiler, CS valance, GT premium, interior upgrade package, Brembos, MT-82 and Whipple powered SOLD
01 cobra: traded
93 LX Modular 4v swap
Sean Hyland Motorsport forged rotating assembly, Teksid block, 01 cobra heads, cams and intake SOLD
we should take nessecary precautions to protect the country not harassing the general public.
im just sick of government the way its ran, we bought a 97 ranger with 50k miles on it and got an outrageous deal. state sends us a letter saying we didnt pay enough in taxes and the vehicle is worth more than we paid for it. so even after we sent a bill of sale with the title we have to do it again along with the check we wrote to buy the truck. This is the FOURTH time they have done this to us and every transaction as been legitimate. How do they know the condition of the vehicle???? asses
This TSA bullshit is no different, its the government over stepping their boundrys......if we dont do something soon we will be permanently screwed
03 Torch Red Anni. Ed. Cobra
11 Grabber Blue 5.0, 3D500 spoiler, CS valance, GT premium, interior upgrade package, Brembos, MT-82 and Whipple powered SOLD
01 cobra: traded
93 LX Modular 4v swap
Sean Hyland Motorsport forged rotating assembly, Teksid block, 01 cobra heads, cams and intake SOLD
The TSA is all about teaching Americans to submit to all manner of invasions of ones privacy. From airport patdowns to highway checkpoints 100's of miles inside our southern border, they want to teach us that everyone is a suspect.
The people that piss me off the most are the ones who say, "if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't mind being stopped and searched."
I MIND ! This country was founded on the premise that government leave the people alone unless it has reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
Clear violation of the 4th amendment, when they stop you ask them if they are sworn to uphold the constitution. I travel for work and had to put up with TSA checkpoints on the highway in New Mexico 100 miles from the border, with immigration and 'produce' inspectors on hand. I was driving a normal car, not a semi, they were checking everyone.
They detained me for 30 minutes because when they asked where I was going, I told them White Sands National Monument, then they wanted to know why, I told them because I am an American and can go where ever I want to and should be able to do so without being hassled or detained for nothing. So they told me to pull to the side and took my license, and rental agreement.
They came back with my credentials and said have a good day. The problem with this is - everyone is guilty until cleared - total crap. They keep grabbing more power, everything seems to go through - 'homeland security' these days.
Guard the borders, watch who you let into the country, but leave common citizens alone!
found an interesting thread..
link to this..
i was just going to target practice, i swear :facepalm:
TSA = Thousands Standing Around ... I F'ing hate them, hate what they have become at the airports, and their worthless attitude ... F'ing government employee's that think they own us becuse we have to go through a f'ing airport.
The rest of the world I don't have to take my f'ing shoes & belt off to get on a plane ... no F'ing standing x-ray scan, just through a minimal metal detector and a wand if you ding it.
I hate what they have done to air travel.
In case you guys don't remember, a bunch of ****ing Arabs got onto United States airplanes and flew them into two skyscrapers and into one of the hubs of our country.
I can understand the feeling of infringement on American's rights and the values this country was built on, but this is a new day and age people.
I don't like being searched at the airport any more than the next guy, nor do I like wasting an extra 30 minutes of time going through a more in-depth interrogation. But guess what? I'd rather arrive at the airport 30 minutes early than get on and airplane and never get to where I'm going...
Now, that having been said, having the TSA doing all of this seems like a good idea in theory, but you know the Man always finds a way to screw it up.
/2 cents
Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump
Due to a failure in our intelligence agencies.
How many people DIE every year in auto accidents, should we ban cars too?
The latest 'attempts' have been stopped by passengers, not TSA.
See the Christmas Day underwear bomber that THE GOVERNMENT put on the plane!!
TSA is a failure, and a war on US citizens, just like the NDAA!
If you haven't realized yet that the U.S is in the midst of a full fledged tyrannical takeover, you haven't been paying attention. Actually, the takeover has been complete for some time. What we're seeing now is the complete ruin of this country because of it.
Something has to give. We're either going into a 1984-like existence or we're finally going to say "that's it ! "no more !", and stop this insanity.
I pray the people of this country use what little sense they have left and elect Ron Paul for President. Even then, we have a high mountain to climb to get out of this mess. It may be too late.
Another INSANE example of TSA keeping us 'safe'...
a teenage girl with a pistol design on her purse - told it was a federal offense!!!!
even the globalist liberal leftist front news agency CNN picked it up
[ame=""]TSA mistake handbag for actual gun.... - YouTube[/ame]
And, yes, Ron Paul is the only candidate who isn't bought and paid for by the same Wall Street and corporatist interests as all the other candidate on both sides of the left/right paradigm.
Now they are banning him from debates, because honoring the constitution is considered to be extreme:
Last edited by 83dropboy; 12-03-2011 at 09:54 AM.
I always said that about Paul...I don't trust him fully since he is a politician. His ideals seem like the right direction for the counrty, and people in general. I just think if he got in the White House and actually pushed what he wants, we would see him shot on tv by some made up mad man.....or wait, a terrorist!
RP's voting record is public for all to see. He has a 3 decade history of being a constitutionalist and his voting record proves it.
Can he change everything by himself ? No, but he can start the process.
Him being barred from the next debate is a sign of how afraid the powers that be are about his message getting traction.
I think RP may be the last chance for people to try to change things by working within the system. If he loses and we get 4 more years of the same BS, (which will be the case), we may have to have an actual revolt.
For those that don't know what RP is about, these are a few things he says he'll do within his 1st year in office.
Disband the IRS and replace it with nothing. That means no more taxes on your income. How does keeping your gross pay sound to you ?
End these pointless wars and close all our military bases in foreign countries.
End the "War on Drugs" which is a complete failure.
Get rid of most of the federal departments. One being the Department of Education. This department holds your local schools hostage with federal mandates that threaten the loss of federal aid unless they follow them.
How does having your schools curriculum being decided by your state or local government rather than the feds sound to you ?
In a nutshell RP believes the government should stay out of your business as much as possible. He believes in freedom and that what you do with that freedom is your responsibility. The decisions you make will decide your fate, not some government beauracrat
I've heard he also would like to shut down the Fed which is nice.
I never realized he wanted to do away with the unconstitutional income tax. People will tell you it's needed to fund Gov. but thats ridiculous. You think like I do though, slim chance he'll even get there. With all the comp. voting now, who knows what can be fudged....we all watched it happen on tv with Bush winning Florida.
Here is his stand on the income tax.
[ame=""]Ron Paul: Abolish the Income Tax! - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited by frankstang; 12-04-2011 at 12:32 PM.