[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQptfdSCdhs&feature=player_embedded"]Japanese Ricer VIP Convention! - YouTube[/ame]
I lived in Japan for 8 years before returning to the states. I saw stuff like that, but not as "crazy" as some of the stuff shown. I saw "bat vans" with 4 ft wings coming off the top of the vans. I don't know what it is about having big wings and long exhaust over there, but some of their cars have that crap on them.
And that freaking reving of the motors used to drive me freaking crazy. The motorcycles and mopeds did it the most. You would be stopped at a stop light and thats all they would do. Or driving down the middle of town doing it...was plain stupid.
ON another note, I actually did see some rather nice cars there.