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Thread: Whats your cell phone service?

  1. #1
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Whats your cell phone service?

    I was thinkin about switching to Verizon tomorrow, biggest reason being is 95% of people I work with have it and its free to talk to them. I also get 21% off my bill since I work for a GM dealership.

    I currently use Tmobile and absolutely love it, been all over the country and always have great service, haven't dropped a call in so long I cant even remember.

    What do you use and how do you like it?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    i have verizon and never lost a call either and all my friends have it so that helps cuz it is free.. i love it,,

  3. #3
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    10 year Verizon customer here.
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  4. #4
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    I have verizon and love it!

    Had sprint for a year..hated it. They overcharged me by $300 first bill! Constantly had problems...and their customer service was horrible.

  5. #5
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    I have verizon...
    Used to have AT&T when it was originally AT&T... then when they merged with Cingular is actually when i started to hate it (contrary to what i hear a lot of ppl say)... Switched to Verizon and havent had any complaints to this point at all...
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  6. #6
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    I have Verizon, but ALL cell phone companies are crooks. my 2cents

  7. #7
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Verizon here also. Great reception everywhere. I had sprint before and it sucked out here in the sticks.
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  8. #8
    adult daycare speedracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Verizon here also. Great reception everywhere. I had sprint before and it sucked out here in the sticks.
    I have a verizon company phone that sucks, my personal cingular phone works 10x better than verizon but thats in Somerset co.

  9. #9
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Also Verizon here. I like it because its company paid ;), but you can't beat the "IN" service with free to others in the network. coverage is lousy down through parts of WV, as well as lower Virginia, Upper NC, and out toward the west coast its a bit spotty. I also use Vodaphone for my world phone, thats pretty incredible as it basically grabs whatever network it can, network but is expensive.

    Bob Myers

  10. #10
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedracer View Post
    I have a verizon company phone that sucks, my personal cingular phone works 10x better than verizon but thats in Somerset co.
    I absolutely hate cingular, I'd give up my cell phone if they were the last company on earth. Had them for about 3 months and it sucked. There customer service reps have the education of a 3 year old.
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  11. #11
    Sexy and i know it fast4ord's Avatar
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    T-mobile here, like it but everyone has verizon, oh well
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  12. #12
    Bigger IS better! Smallville's Avatar
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    Sprint. Use to be a Cingular advocate but their customer service is ridiculous. After the 6th month in a row that I had to call them and straighten my bill out, and them yelling at me, YES,,,THEY YELLED AT ME,,, I laughed and changed to T-mobile. That lasted 2 weeks with horrible service. Have had Sprint now for 6 months without a problem... and loved every minute of "NFL MOBILE" thats the best thing ever invented! lol can't wait till this season!

  13. #13
    i have t-mobile cuz they were the only ones to give me a phone without putting like $1000 down, when i first turned 18.

    as for service its great realy never drop calls. service all around.

    but as for customer service lol. they are worse then the cable company.

    i had verizon when i was younger, but it did not work on my street lol

  14. #14
    boats n hoes fork5o's Avatar
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    verizon, had it for over six years and never a problem. in calling is real sweet too cause so many people use verizon that i know
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  15. #15
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Thinkin about gettin this LG phone, it got great reviews from people on

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  16. #16
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBCobra View Post
    Thinkin about gettin this LG phone, it got great reviews from people on

    Dan I have Verizon and currently have that phone as well. I have five phones and lines on Verizon and the service and the customer treatment that they give me cannot be beat.

    Regarding that phone, it works GREAT everywhere I go. I have had several phones and I can tell you for sure that the Razr and Krazr aren't even in the same galaxy as that LG VX-8600! LG kicks ass!
    LeMans Blue Z06

  17. #17
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by u1arunit View Post
    Dan I have Verizon and currently have that phone as well. I have five phones and lines on Verizon and the service and the customer treatment that they give me cannot be beat.

    Regarding that phone, it works GREAT everywhere I go. I have had several phones and I can tell you for sure that the Razr and Krazr aren't even in the same galaxy as that LG VX-8600! LG kicks ass!
    Cool, thanks Mark. I'm off work tomorrow so I'll head to the Verizon Corp store in Monroeville and sign up I think. Just being in the business for 6 years, I get so pissed off when I get a lazy sales person who doesn't explain $hit lol
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  18. #18
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    sprint here...for 3 years. never had a problem...we wanted to add another phone and they waved the $150 deposit and the $100 for phone. so we got it all free.

    we would like verizon so we simply have one bill for phone,cell,tv,dsl but verizon cell service isnt available in this part of WV yet.

  19. #19
    Large Member jpanchalk's Avatar
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    I swear by T-Mobile because I can use my phone in Germany as well, and calls are under a dollar per minute with international roaming. Not much use if you only use it in the US. Customer service has been top notch - no customer support personnel in India who can barely speak english!

    Can't argue with Verizon's service, though. My mom and sister work for Verizon, so service would be discounted for me. Funny thing is, my sister hates Verizon Wireless customer service. She's considering swithcing to T-Mobile!

    Cingular was by FAR the worst experience of my life.

  20. #20
    Member Milewsky80's Avatar
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    Had at&t then when cingular bought them out I stayed. It's been about 7 years now. Never had a rpoblem with service or billing. Maybe I'm just lucky??
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