Today was finally the day to see if my latest round of mods paid off. Latest round of mods goes back a while too. The dyno day started lovely. First my electric water pump wasnt functioning due to a bad relay. Fixed that. Then there was some air in the cooling system. Got coolant everywhere but fixed that. Then the BIG problem. My first pull on the dyno Dave makes a strange face and goes WTF. I look at the computer and see 330 RWHP. Im like this isnt good since last time the car was on a dyno it made 387 RWHP. Dave says the converter isnt locking up and my supposedly 3200 stall converter is flashing at a lovely 4800 RPMs. Tried and tried but couldnt get it to lock up. So its now a non-lock up converter. Dave says this is no big deal. After some tinkering with the tune we arrived at the final numbers for my race gas tune.

390 RWHP and 380 RWTQ

Mind you this is now with a non lock up converter so these numbers are not what the car actualy puts out. The way i see it the car gained at least 50 RWHP from last year. Ill take that. I didnt even take a dyno graph becasue its one ugly graph. I will post the actual changes to the car to arrive at these numbers if anyone would like. I also had Dave throw me in a street pump gas tune so i dont have to run 6 dollar a gallon gas when i wanna go to the park or car show. Big thank you to SGS Automotive and tuner Dave Guy.

So place your guess for what kind of ETs it will run this year. Car weighs 3180(No driver).