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Thread: 302/351 build question

  1. #1
    96twinturbo bill412's Avatar
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    302/351 build question

    Im thinking about doing a 302 or a 351 based build.I've always been into the mod motors time for something different. Has anyone one here done one on a budget and if so what were the specs and parts used.Im not trying to be in this think 10k or nothing. I want a good power street/track car and not real heavy on the track part. Also I wanna keep my options open for maybe forced induction/nitrous. I need to know what year motor to use Any help would be great. Thanks
    blown 02 GT

  2. #2
    Give us a call at the shop monday we can help you out with this. We have been building a ton of the budget 351's lately!
    Let us know your parts needs! We will work to get you the lowest possible price!

  3. #3
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    What kind of power do you want to make? What do you want to do with it? What is "budget"? Do you want to go NA or boost?

    Many guys on here have made mid 300s NA with a stock short block (I have made 347 with the car hot, and a few other combos around 300, couple around 260 with stock cam, speed density, and Ps), many have also made 500 and above with boost in the mid teens on a simple H/C/I combo. Power can still be made on a budget, especially with what 302 parts are going for now, 800 bucks can get you a nice set of heads.
    Last edited by Mark Aubele; 04-07-2012 at 04:38 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SK@StreetLethal View Post
    Give us a call at the shop monday we can help you out with this. We have been building a ton of the budget 351's lately!
    x2 shaun just built me a 393. 351 over 302 anyday

  5. #5
    96twinturbo bill412's Avatar
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    The car will be street/strip. But i want some nice power maybe 400ish N/A but i want to keep the compression low enough where if i wanna go forced induction i can. Im not rushing to get it done so my budget will vary ill buy parts when i can. I want the motor to be STRONG though.
    blown 02 GT

  6. #6
    RRT juice_man_86's Avatar
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    go with a 351w...400 would be double what the 302 was stock, lol..also you want low enough compression to boost it later, but want 400hp n/a...i'm not sayin it's not do-able

  7. #7
    96twinturbo bill412's Avatar
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    400 would be nice but prob not gonna happen until after boost.who has done something like this,what were your numbers.what was the combo/parts you used?
    blown 02 GT

  8. #8
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    I have. 351w ported vic jr heads, flat top pistons, vic jr intake, 1 3/4 headers , comp solid roller cam 248/256 .621/.630 110lsa. Car made 430 rwhp@6300 on a 90deg day. Drove it and raced it for 3 years, no maintence.
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

  9. #9
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    Stock 95 shortblock, flycut pistons, TWs, N91, Victor Jr., 750 DP, everything bought used, made 347 at 6400 with about 8.5 to 1 compression. Might've had 2 grand in the entire combo carb to pan, including the whole exhaust.
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by torqueboxer View Post
    I have. 351w ported vic jr heads, flat top pistons, vic jr intake, 1 3/4 headers , comp solid roller cam 248/256 .621/.630 110lsa. Car made 430 rwhp@6300 on a 90deg day. Drove it and raced it for 3 years, no maintence.
    Drove it yes.. Raced it <-------- lol
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  11. #11
    96twinturbo bill412's Avatar
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    Thanks guys that's what i wanted to see some actual combos and power numbers. I wanted some ideas so I knew what I was looking to get into.430 is a good number.and 347 for 2k with 8.5 to 1 could prob make some nice number with a blower. Keep'em coming plz
    blown 02 GT

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