Well here is my new WRX i traded my mustang for
I have to say I am not to thrilled. The car stock stumbles like crap on the stock tune. Boost drop if is nuts from 1-2, The hill assist BS in this car that cant be turned off makes me want to drive it into a ****ing wall. I feel like driving it fun stock its gonna blow and by fixing any of the issues of it being stock to make it more enjoyable then i would really be in fear of it going BOOM. So i am damned if i do and damned if I dont. I wish there was ANY locally I coulda test drove before making a deal but I didnt have that option as it would have made me not buy it. Having loads of power isnt a huge deal to me but just fear of driving it that at any time I think its gonna turn into a paper weight does get to me. I already wanna trade it for a '13 GT