Quote Originally Posted by Martin0660 View Post
I have no direct experience with stock type 5.0, but from what i've seen at the track, I really doubt you are going to see 13's. especially your "first" times out. It takes a lot of experience, practice, and familiarity with the car to get it to ET.

I ran this guy (no idea who it is) twice in time trials, 5.0, AOD car, CAI, supposed to have gears and some minor stuff. His slips were 14.20's at 97-ish.

I think the way more important thing for you your first times out, it to simply set out to have fun. If that is your goal, you wont be disappointed, wont be consumed with "needing" to buy parts, make changes and chase the car. If you go out, take what the car gives you, try to improve your driving, and enjoy racing, hanging out BS'ing you will be a winner. Thats what its about for me, I take what the car will give me, then tweek it to go faster.

Bob Myers

very well said. im not going to be upset...i was just wondering...since seeing some times there and from what others have said.

i just got new plugs and fuel filter...plus the wires,cap,rotor,and oil change....so i should have the basics covered....id be happy with a LOW 14