Last edited by phillysrt4; 05-02-2012 at 01:50 PM. Reason: No right to have an opinion since I dont go every weekend
This was never the point I was making nor have I ever suggested that. These are the great comments that causes me to post when I do. Thank you for you input.
Yeah thats exactly what I said. Thanks for turning a good point into a negative one thats what you guys seem to do best. Keep up the good work.
You are right on all aspects of your post. I shouldnt have lost contol of my emotions as I did. The for areas of improvement that you posted are totally legit and I agree 100%. The reason I posted what Keith from PRP posted on another forum is to let everyone know that they are aware of there being a issue with clean up time and are making an effort to improve that.
Anyone that thinks PRP is going south and will continue, just keep on waiting and making your 3+ hour trips to other facilities. I have been taking the complaints and suggestion to PRP to help get things improved for years and I dont even TNT, I do it for you guys and so your experience can be better. So yes, when I get some of the ludicrous comments from some on here I do have a hard time controlling my emotions and I wonder why I try to do anything.
Last edited by phillysrt4; 05-02-2012 at 01:50 PM. Reason: No right to have an opinion since I dont go every weekend
Last edited by phillysrt4; 05-02-2012 at 01:50 PM. Reason: No right to have an opinion since I dont go every weekend
I just decided Im throwing in the towel. You guys can post all that you want on this site thinking that it will make it to PRP management and I can assure you that they have no idea what SCS is. I dont work for PRP and took your legit complaints to the right people to try and improve things for the guys that TNT. I dont care who owns it, I do what I do because I enjoy having a local drag strip and I want it to do well. I dont always agree with what they do and have many of the same complaints as you guys. I just voice them to the right people as any of you can do the same.
Signing off:![]()
Last edited by phillysrt4; 05-02-2012 at 01:51 PM. Reason: No right to have an opinion since I dont go every weekend
You don't get it...Period.
Mike Balaska is on your side....he is a voice for SCS members and TnTers.
His point is that without him on the board listening and reading about complaints then they (the complaints) won't make it back to PRP management because they are not on this site to read them.
I'm pretty sure that some of the changes made to the track over the last 1-2 yrs were a direct result of his and others efforts on voicing the opinion of people on this board and other local boards.
Do you think it's just a coincidence some of the changes made were nearly exactly what people here were asking for?
He's not making it a 1 man crusade to back the track. He is giving another point of view which 99% of the time includes factual statements and not emotion/opinion. He is entitled to his opinion just the same as you.
People have made suggestions for additional TNT nights etc...and he has said the track has already tried them and it's not cost effective. Do you think Mike does the book keeping for the track or do you think that maybe..just maybe...he has already taken SCS's suggestions to the track management and they reported it wasn't cost effective. PRP is a buisness and nobody works for free...I bet you even get paid while typing on the interwebz on a board in Pittsburgh area from a computer in another country.
Mike has agreed with the complaints in this thread and I hope he takes these complaints to PRP management (as it appears he has done in the past) and changes are made for the better.
Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................
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The bold is the flaw in your statement as it has been said by others that they make comments because they know Chuck and I would voice their opinion and we would, though others may be doing as you stated. I also dont believe Im a one man crusade, there are others that will agree and post and many others that dont say anything. If you dont stand for something; you'll fall for anything. There are just a hand full on here that continue to post in a negative way about PRP its not an overwhelming amount of people.
I get frustrated because I feel I make factual post to comments, and all I get in return is a comment to just argue.
So say you guys are just venting about your experience, but were you at PRP Sunday? I know CAM was and a few other were. If not then why are you posting in this thread? Or were you just hoping to jump in on the PRP gang bang.
Last edited by phillysrt4; 05-02-2012 at 01:51 PM. Reason: No right to have an opinion since I dont go every weekend
A lot of people must not remember what it was like when it was Keystone Raceway. lol You damn near had to swerve to miss potholes & such. PRP has come a long way in recent years. Anytime I've been there in the past couple of years, I've never got less than 4 or 5 runs & sometimes more. It's luck of the draw in a way. It wasn't PRP's fault there was an oil down & with it only being the second time they were open, I can see it being pretty disorganized. Maybe sending a lynch mob to find the guy who did oil the track down would make people feel better.
'13 IOM Camaro 2SS/RS: 3 pedals & needing a driver mod
Its not the other people, its people like YOU. You said, people come on here to vent their experience and thats fine. Then there are people like you that come on here just to throw gas on the fire which is all you do since you weren't there and have nothing good to contribute. You will never posting a positive thing about PRP and thats the truth.
Last edited by phillysrt4; 05-02-2012 at 01:51 PM. Reason: No right to have an opinion since I dont go every weekend
That's like a band going on tour and sucking ass the first few nights then their fanboys saying give them a break it's their first time on tour in a year.
Great if it's a free concert. Not so good if you are spending your money.
This is a "professional" track And business with people profiting. Not a guy with a strip of asphalt in his back yard.
Last edited by SK360; 05-02-2012 at 02:45 PM.
2019 Tesla Model 3 Performance
Agreed, but I also see the point that the changes cant happen over night, but atleast they are starting to happen. IMO. Its better than them saying hey we are the only track around, you dont like it, dont come. They are putting strives to make it better.
I was there and I was upset the clean up took so long BUT I have no idea what goes into cleaning up a oil down or anything in that nature so I cant say if they took their time or not. But if I am taking my car down the track, I want them to be sure it is safe. I doubt you want to be the person going down the track next and slide your car into the wall or another car because they didnt take the time and do the job right.
And im not a "PRP nut swinger" nor am I a "PRP hater".. I like the track, could it be better? Yes. was it worse? Yes. Are their improvements that need made? Yes. Are there improvements that have been made? Yes..