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Thread: PRP April 29th TNT

  1. #81
    GOT RUMBLE??? Balaska347's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SK360 View Post
    That's like a band going on tour and sucking ass the first few nights then their fanboys saying give them a break it's their first time on tour in a year.

    Great if it's a free concert. Not so good if you are spending your money.

    This is a "professional" track And business with people profiting. Not a guy with a strip of asphalt in his back yard.
    Thats your opinion and thats fine. My opinion is, like I said before, the Steelers, penguines, and pirates are all "Professional teams" so in your theory they should not have a bad game. Hell the Pirates have been charging money for a subpar team for years and have no intent to improve things. I dont know your profession but what ever it is I would think you would be considered a professional and get paid for it by your employeer. Are you that good that you never had a bad day at work and your employer had to pay you for your subpar performance.

    Like I told Cam I dont have anything against you or anyone that has a legit complaint as you would have for the clean up time Sunday. I just try to bring a different point of view. All I hope is PRP improves and can eventually make par.

    [QUOTE=scott5;309418]Agreed, but I also see the point that the changes cant happen over night, but atleast they are starting to happen. IMO. Its better than them saying hey we are the only track around, you dont like it, dont come. They are putting strives to make it better.

    I was there and I was upset the clean up took so long BUT I have no idea what goes into cleaning up a oil down or anything in that nature so I cant say if they took their time or not. But if I am taking my car down the track, I want them to be sure it is safe. I doubt you want to be the person going down the track next and slide your car into the wall or another car because they didnt take the time and do the job right.

    And im not a "PRP nut swinger" nor am I a "PRP hater".. I like the track, could it be better? Yes. was it worse? Yes. Are their improvements that need made? Yes. Are there improvements that have been made? Yes..[/QUOTE]


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  2. #82
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    They are professional teams playing a game. Games have winners and losers. Not exactly a fair comparison.
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  3. #83
    GOT RUMBLE??? Balaska347's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SK360 View Post
    They are professional teams playing a game. Games have winners and losers. Not exactly a fair comparison.
    It doesnt matter whether you win or lose its how you played the game. You can have a bad game and win or a good game and lose. What about the other comparison about people that work and being a professional.

    How about I have been to Ruth Chris steak house which is supposed to the premier steak house in the country. Yes, I have been there and had a bad meal and service along with many other places.

    We can leave it go, like I said your intitled to your opinion as I am which maybe different. Im never gonna change your mind. I just post my opinion for the people who read this and dont post so they have a different view to look at it. Some will always see the glass half empty, others half full. I hope you continue to go to PRP and your experiences are better. I appologize to you also for the way I reacted and made it personal which it is not to me.

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  4. #84
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    So who is going this week??
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  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balaska347 View Post

    How about I have been to Ruth Chris steak house which is supposed to the premier steak house in the country. Yes, I have been there and had a bad meal and service along with many other places.
    And you have every right to complain about it without regular customers jumping down your throat and telling you to give the cook a break hes only been here a week.
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  6. #86
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    I'm on the side that it was only their second day open this year with a new crew and it was he first oil down I don't think anyone here was a professional on their second day I will still go up and just hope cleanup times improve
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  7. #87
    SCS Addict Stangman701's Avatar
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    I'd like to know the track's position on a 5 run guarantee. Seems like if you're paying $30 you should get at least 5 runs. They've got those racer ID cards now, it seems like they should be able to keep track of it on those somehow. If you only get 3 runs then you should get $12 off your next TnT visit. Gives you an incentive to come back and give them a second chance and also gives them monetary motivation to clean the track in a timely manor so you get 5 runs in. Right now their only motivation to clean up fast is to not piss people off and that doesn't seem to be cutting it.
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  8. #88
    Senior Member ocrowner's Avatar
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    im a racer and i dont like only getting a couple runs, but damn people need to wake up! do you people have any idea how much it cost to operate that track? ins has to be a killer,the electric? the people working there? come on people its a local track they are making some good changes lets give them a break. it is getting better in time. you will really be bitching when they close and you have no local track!
    come and get some!

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahloh95 View Post
    I'm on the side that it was only their second day open this year with a new crew and it was he first oil down I don't think anyone here was a professional on their second day I will still go up and just hope cleanup times improve
    Then discount your TnT to train new staff.

    Quote Originally Posted by ocrowner View Post
    im a racer and i dont like only getting a couple runs, but damn people need to wake up! do you people have any idea how much it cost to operate that track? ins has to be a killer,the electric? the people working there? come on people its a local track they are making some good changes lets give them a break. it is getting better in time. you will really be bitching when they close and you have no local track!
    Sounds like a case of "Those are the things you have to deal with owning a track"
    2019 Tesla Model 3 Performance

  10. #90
    I'm glad they take there time and make sure it's cleaned up you don't see people with cars making power crying about it !! Safety first no matter what I have seen put cars on there roofs up there or in to the guard rails I'm glad we have a local track I have been on both ends of the stick some days you get 7 or 8 runs you never hear anyone say how good thoes days were or what a good job they did they just bitch about the runs they didn't get thanks for reading my view on things carry on !

  11. #91
    Senior Member ocrowner's Avatar
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    some people have nothing better to do than bitch about everything. my $3.00 burger was alittle burnt at the track but i still ate the thing.its all a part of life it aint always perfect.
    come and get some!

  12. #92
    Resident Catfish Driver
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balaska347 View Post
    It doesnt matter whether you win or lose its how you played the game. You can have a bad game and win or a good game and lose. What about the other comparison about people that work and being a professional.

    How about I have been to Ruth Chris steak house which is supposed to the premier steak house in the country. Yes, I have been there and had a bad meal and service along with many other places.

    We can leave it go, like I said your intitled to your opinion as I am which maybe different. Im never gonna change your mind. I just post my opinion for the people who read this and dont post so they have a different view to look at it. Some will always see the glass half empty, others half full. I hope you continue to go to PRP and your experiences are better. I appologize to you also for the way I reacted and made it personal which it is not to me.
    bad days are to be expected, but if your boss see's you having multiple bad days in a single year, let along the last decade, theres a problem and most likely, you won't have a job.

    I'm sorry, but you can only drop the ball so many times before people just start bashing you.

    Limas Sweed was/is a pro football player, he couldn't catch a ball for his life, so they CUT him.

    I've watched PRP progress since I started going there (back when it was still "keystone") Have they made progress? Yes. But its nothing I would call exemplary or even average.

    I'll end this with one open ended question specifically for bala whatever.

    Why can I go to any other track around here (quaker, mason dixon, MIR, Milan, Norwalk, beaver springs, lucky city, steel valley, dragway 42) on a random tnt nite and get 5 runs in no matter what? (for the same price or less, might I add)
    00' Camaro

  13. #93
    I paid 12 bucks for a cheeseburger and some fries and a drink and it was muthafukin delicious. I have been going there from back in the days when mater used to have a fast car now that's along time ago.

  14. #94
    keyboard warrior Mater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwtmxracing View Post
    I paid 12 bucks for a cheeseburger and some fries and a drink and it was muthafukin delicious. I have been going there from back in the days when mater used to have a fast car now that's along time ago.
    Last time i raced,Who did i beat?

  15. #95
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocrowner View Post
    some people have nothing better to do than bitch about everything. my $3.00 burger was alittle burnt at the track but i still ate the thing.its all a part of life it aint always perfect.
    Haha thats cuz u will eat anything lol.. Btw i got a sweet pic of ur cobra on way down 22.. I will get jason to send it to ya

  16. #96
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    Prp's food is a bit expensive but it sure is kronic in a way! I never had a problem with their food one bit, give me a burnt burger any day!
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  17. #97
    Going fast with class Slow01GT's Avatar
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    Why would you want a burnt burger? I'd much prefer a non-crispy burger for what you pay. That said, the food at prp has never been an issue for me.
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  18. #98
    Senior Member ocrowner's Avatar
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    peopole are just like to complain
    Last edited by ocrowner; 05-03-2012 at 04:47 PM.
    come and get some!

  19. #99
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    It was too damn hot today.

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Mater View Post
    Last time i raced,Who did i beat?
    Lol I never said my car was fast I'm talking about the formula days when I had that sweet pea green Monte Carlo

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