Thats your opinion and thats fine. My opinion is, like I said before, the Steelers, penguines, and pirates are all "Professional teams" so in your theory they should not have a bad game. Hell the Pirates have been charging money for a subpar team for years and have no intent to improve things. I dont know your profession but what ever it is I would think you would be considered a professional and get paid for it by your employeer. Are you that good that you never had a bad day at work and your employer had to pay you for your subpar performance.
Like I told Cam I dont have anything against you or anyone that has a legit complaint as you would have for the clean up time Sunday. I just try to bring a different point of view. All I hope is PRP improves and can eventually make par.
[QUOTE=scott5;309418]Agreed, but I also see the point that the changes cant happen over night, but atleast they are starting to happen. IMO. Its better than them saying hey we are the only track around, you dont like it, dont come. They are putting strives to make it better.
I was there and I was upset the clean up took so long BUT I have no idea what goes into cleaning up a oil down or anything in that nature so I cant say if they took their time or not. But if I am taking my car down the track, I want them to be sure it is safe. I doubt you want to be the person going down the track next and slide your car into the wall or another car because they didnt take the time and do the job right.
And im not a "PRP nut swinger" nor am I a "PRP hater".. I like the track, could it be better? Yes. was it worse? Yes. Are their improvements that need made? Yes. Are there improvements that have been made? Yes..[/QUOTE]