looking to buy a mini truck. im open to anything but it has to be 2wd. thanks
looking to buy a mini truck. im open to anything but it has to be 2wd. thanks
Don't care what engine is in it or tranny. I'm wanting to do a v8 swap down the road but I need to drive it back and forth to work while I work on it. Plans are to drop it and v8
There's a 1st gen Ranger (2wd, short bed) near the Butler Fairgrounds on 422 that's got a 302/C4 already in it. Just needs finished. Overall a decent body, one bedside has been whacked and repaired. Needs a rad and buttoned up.....exhaust and most everything else is done. Maybe a day or two of work. Price is $1,600.00. I was thinking about getting it.....but I already have two V8 Rangers.
thanks for the heads up. i found one in smithfield for 1600. the guy says all thats worng is the blinkers dont work. it has a 302 with a 5spd. i might go look at that one.