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Thread: car wont start

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  1. #1
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    car wont start

    Hey guys on my 1991 gt im not getting power to the little wire on the solenoid when I turn the key over to start also im not getting any power to the same wire under the dash where it lopes and goes back into the harness I jumped the solenoid manually and it cranks the engine do u guys think it might be a neutral safety switch issue and if so where is it located I've got the aod trans in mine and I can find it anywhere on the trans also with the key in the on position if I put it into reverse I have no reverse lights any help would be great this is driving driving me crazy

  2. #2
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    Found I issue I think. The nss isn't plugged in but I can't find the plug that goes to does anyone know where it runs from

  3. #3
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Fayette City, PA
    It runs along the transmission tunnel on the drivers side under the carpet. Connections com through the tunnel to meet the transmission harness.

  4. #4
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    Ok I see where they come through that tunnel one plugs into the tail shaft speedo cable area the other and its black the other is grey and just hangs there and has 4 prongs but its not long enough to reach up to the nss

  5. #5
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Fayette City, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by geps91stang View Post
    Ok I see where they come through that tunnel one plugs into the tail shaft speedo cable area the other and its black the other is grey and just hangs there and has 4 prongs but its not long enough to reach up to the nss
    There should be a harness from the tranny that goes between the NSA and the ends hanging out of the tranny tunnel.

  6. #6
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    I don't see another harness just the wires coming through the tunnel and one of the two plugs go into the trans the other is just hanging

  7. #7
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    I found out today from my local ford dealership what im missing its the harness that runs from the nss to the grey plug coming through the trans tunnel my only problem is now I got to find one ford doesn't make them anymore so I got to find a used one somewhere

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