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Thread: Sick of Comcast, How are the other options?

  1. #1
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    Sick of Comcast, How are the other options?

    I saw quite a few of the "I hate Comcast" comments when I searched the old threads and now I'm in the same boat. We've had Comcast for tv, internet, and voice (which I don't even have a phone hooked up to) for almost a year and half and it's never been 100% right for that entire time. Signal issues, equipment issues, billing issues....

    So how are the other providers? I had originally tried to get Direct TV but cancelled when the installer insisted on mounting the dish directly to the house and wouldn't use an existing mount on my deck from the previous residents. Then, they also wanted to run an additional cable to each TV that I wanted DVR on. Otherwise, Fios still hasn't come to our area.

    I think my only options are stick with Comcast or switch to Dish Network. Not sure what I'll do for internet with Dish, though. Any experiences or suggestions?
    '07 GT/CS & '11 FX4

  2. #2
    Hi! I'M DAKS #1 BITCH! TooFast98Cobra's Avatar
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    I have been and I'm always in your shoes. My service etc with comcast is never perfect. I love when your contract is up and they do not tell you and you get a huge bill in the mail. At least they take the charges off when it happens. I have learned not to scream and yell at them on the phone anymore. I just call and talk to customer service. I hate when they come to your house to screw in a wire. I had my Ferrari in my garage one time when a tech came and he was going to hang over it with a ladder to install a wire along the ceiling. unreal! I look at it like this do I want to keep getting screwed by a company I know or do I want to be screwed by a stranger. I have a buddy who changes services every time his package is up. His home is wired for three different providers. It is what it is and they know they got us, the consumer. good luck man

  3. #3
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    i know Dish is dropping some channels.. AMC in particular,, so if you're into Breaking Bad or the Walking Dead like I am... just sayin..

    IMO, they all suck, but i like my Fios at little better than comcast

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooFast98Cobra View Post
    I love when your contract is up and they do not tell you and you get a huge bill in the mail. I had my Ferrari in my garage one time when a tech came and he was going to hang over it with a ladder to install a wire along the ceiling. unreal!

    This made me lol. Especially about the car. The guy who came over our house drilled through our wall from the existing house into the addition. When he went to get up he used the 12" drill bit that was still in the hammer drill to hoist his 300LB's up off his knees on my hardwood floor. I had steam coming out of my ears but just blew it off and walked away.

  5. #5
    Hi! I'M DAKS #1 BITCH! TooFast98Cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    This made me lol. Especially about the car. The guy who came over our house drilled through our wall from the existing house into the addition. When he went to get up he used the 12" drill bit that was still in the hammer drill to hoist his 300LB's up off his knees on my hardwood floor. I had steam coming out of my ears but just blew it off and walked away.
    I was getting into a vent/rant lol. 6 years of nothing but sh$t service from them! But hey nothing you can do about it. They got us.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooFast98Cobra View Post
    I was getting into a vent/rant lol. 6 years of nothing but sh$t service from them! But hey nothing you can do about it. They got us.

    Exactly, it's almost a pa water ect.

  7. #7
    Hi! I'M DAKS #1 BITCH! TooFast98Cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Exactly, it's almost a pa water ect.
    PA water! Don't get me started on them F's. But aren't they the first one's to send you that your not covered from your door step to the curb give me some more money letter. Nothing we can do about it, just bend over and keep taking it from the same person.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooFast98Cobra View Post
    PA water! Don't get me started on them F's. But aren't they the first one's to send you that your not covered from your door step to the curb give me some more money letter. Nothing we can do about it, just bend over and keep taking it from the same person.


  9. #9
    Senior Member Monkeygrits's Avatar
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    We have had Comcast dish and DirecTV for tv an I gotta say I like DirecTV the best. We still have comcast internet because its the only thing around here in the sticks thats worth a Damn. The only negative I can tell from DirecTV is there is no G4.

  10. #10
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    As of this morning, I am a new Dish subscriber. Not sure if the picture is really this noticeably better or if that's just what happens when you know you're only paying $6 for the first month and $36 for the next 11 months after getting raped by Comcast.

    The possibility of AMC going away sucks, but its not gone yet and I'm happier to have G4. The only other negative that I've found so far is that NBC sports is on the highest package. I got a lower one figuring I can always switch when hockey season rolls around but, then again, I don't think I'll miss the NBC commentators that much.

    As far as the signal cutting out in bad weather that seems to be the biggest complaint, I was already having that issue with Comcast so it won't bug me at all. I'll just make sure to keep the DVR loaded up with shows for rainy days.

    Here's a tip for anybody else thinking about getting Dish. Make sure you get the $50 referral discount on top of the other deals that they're offering. I can get some codes for anybody that wants one.
    '07 GT/CS & '11 FX4

  11. #11
    Senior Member 32valve's Avatar
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    Just switched over all my things to Consolidated.... Takes a bit to get used to the changes but, is putting $600.00 in savings back into our buget!
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  12. #12
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    I know FIOS isn't an option but we switched to it from Comcast and we are pretty happy with it. Almost never goes out (internet and TV), with Comcast it seemed to be a daily occurrence. The one complaint I do have with it is the On Demand interface makes me want to rip my eyes out, whoever designed it needs to be fired. Finding movies is nearly impossible.
    2014 Mustang GT Stock and for sale
    2014 M235i (wife's)
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