I'm considering picking up a 92 SSP roller, complete minus engine and transmission.
What would I need to consider and what problems would I run into when swapping all of the desired parts from my 91 LX to the 92 SSP notch.
I know that a good portion of the interior is not interchangeable, that's fine. What else is different with these cars? I've already got a 3g alt in my fox and I know the SSP came with them.
Did these cars come with an air bag? Did they come with cruise control? Any mods from the regular factory fox besides the obvious alternator and interior?
It's a Florida patrol car, not much rust.
On another note, anyone have any nifty tips/tricks to investigate how much the body has been abused? It will get a cage and through the floor subs in the future, but I don't want something that is twisted. If it was twisted is there a way to straighten it out at a shop or something?