My girlfriend bought this bike back in May and only road it a handful of times before deciding to buy a Sportster. It's a cool little bike especially for a woman or beginner. Looks way better than your average Rebel or any other 250cc on the road IMO.
The only thing she has done to the bike is add (2) flat black Arlen Ness mirrors. The bike has a custom single seat, bullet rear signals, and a side mount license plate to name a few of the custom touches. The frame was NOT cut up when this bike was built so the ride quality is just that of a normal Rebel.
The bike easily gets 60+ mpg and is great for a smaller rider or commuter. My girlfriend had no trouble crusing 60-70 mph.
$2,200 OBO. This needs to go, so don't be affraid to make an offer. Any questions, just ask.