Getting some ideas in line for when I can buy a new MIG welder to replace my stolen stuff. I had a Lincoln SP-100T w/ bottle and ran .023" wire through it. Used this mainly for exhaust work and body panels. I also had a Harbor Freight unit that I ran .030" and .035' flux core for heavier work up to about 1/4".

I'm not a welder by trade, just like to fab and play around in the garage but I want it to be able to do about anything I can think of for possible side jobs down the road.

I currently have a Hobart stick welder for the BIG jobs. So the MIG needs to handle everything from lightweight sheetmetal work up to possibly 3/8". I'm not set on any brand or price would those of you with some educated input please help me out with ideas/models or ask questions to help narrow down my needs.
