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Thread: maf/injectors questions

  1. #1
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    maf/injectors questions

    Hi everyone I've got a question about maf and injectors on my 91 gt. It seems my maf sensor has went bad on me and it's been a headache trying to get the right one from the local parts store and I really don't wanna pay all the money ford wants for a new stock one. My question is could i go with a #24 or #30lb injector and matching maf on my current setup which is basically stock with the exception of being bored. 030 over and aftermarket computer comparable cam from comp. I do plan down the road to get a heads and intake combo to match the cam I have now or would I have to have it tuned to run right with this setup. Also if its ok to go this route what else is needed like bigger throttle body ect thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    There's no need for 24/30# injectors. You'll end up causing yourself bigger headaches than you have now.
    Are you sure the meter is bad ? How did you confirm ? I have never seen a stock meter go bad, but I guess it does happen.
    Assuming it is the meter, stock Fox 55mm meters are available for a pittance on most Mustang site classifieds. Another option is to use a 70mm meter from a '94-'95 5.0 Mustang as they are curved very similarly.

    If you can, borrow a known good stock meter from someone and see what happens. I have a stock '91 meter and an SN94-95 meter laying around, but unfortunately I'm in Pgh. and you're in Connellsville.

  3. #3
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    I did the test using a multimeter I had 12v from computer to maf I only had 11.94v from the 2 grounds which should be no less then 12v from what I've been told also with car at normal operating temp I have a base idle of. 098v but when I manually move the throttle and watch the multimeter it jumps around and never goes above 3.37 volts i've tested and retested many times with the same results so Idk

  4. #4

  5. #5
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    Another question what should the fuel pressure be on a stock 5.0 with koeo im getting 30lbs of pressure at the rail with a new regulator and fuel filter.

  6. #6
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    KOEO should be right around 39#.

  7. #7
    cruisin for a bruisin geps91stang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Thank you sir

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