I'd like to get one and I don't even know where to start.

I've read so many reviews and so much information I'm on overload. I'm toying with the idea of buying a stripped lower and putting in the parts I want (similar to what I've done with my 10/22) and mating it to a complete upper in something like a 20" 1:7.

I'm considering the stripped lower option for three reasons: 1) I like to tinker, 2) I like the idea of putting that part of it together myself with parts of my choosing, and 3) I want to know my gun well right from the start so hopefully there would only be incremental tweaks to the lower.

Feedback from people who've done their own lowers, along with part choices and the pros/cons they've found from doing this appreciated.

PS - does the black hills white box 5.56 live up to the hype?