Got a neat little MegaSquirt Toy up and running. the App is called ShadowDash. It uses BluTooth to connect to the squirt and connect to an Android device.
My active phone is Apple so I broke loose an older Samsung Phone, set it up with WiFi only service (no carrier) and got this working.
Here is the Android Phone, bluTooth Adapter, and a USB battery up andd running and comunicating ....
Ultimately, the Squirt CAN power the BluTooth adapter but I do not have the 5V on my serial connector so I will power via the micro USB. Got it all set up in the car and running today, here is it running as a digital dash board ....
In addition to the data stream from the Squirt (all engine parameters) this program can use the acceleraometers in the phone to log lateral G's, acceleration forces, etc (for you handling guys too ;) ). It can even use the phones GPS to display a speedometer.
Really neat little set up.
The real "bonus" in this for me is the data log. I can make a data log from the phone just like from the laptop ... EFI Analytics has a server that the files can be uploaded to, then I can access them via the web on any computer I like (no file transfer from phone needed).