Name: Lance Morris
Contact me on here or text 814 381 4748
what i have is 2 28/12.5/15 et stret tires bias. tires have probaly 70 miles on them Zero burnouts of any sort.
heres the scoop. put these on my cobra with a 5.5 back spacing wheel. If i had a 6.5 i would have been fine. and pulling in my steep angled driveway destroys the side wall of one tires.
1 could be used with another new tire and the damaged one could be a test tire to have laying around lol Just selling these cheap before the holidays these tire cost 225$ each new. Im asking 150$ takes them both.
I have done a 140mph highway pull with these on and nothing blew on me.(thankfully) could still be used to rip around town.
text me if u want pics guys thanks