Honestly I wouldn't wanna' see this site go anywhere..The amount of bashing I've seen in the past two days is probably half of the reason Lou is tired of dealing with the site.
I enjoy Mustangs although I haven't had one in some time. I'm always on the site looking around, have met a few good people off of here and generally enjoy being on here. If I could donate to keep it goin' I'd absolutely like to.
To the other guys who've stepped up and want to keep it going, thumbs up to you!
94 Ford Ranger
01 KX125
2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)
wow every body ducks with wick then he defends himself and hurts there feelings and now he's the bad guy crazy
I agree with Rob 100%.. We are all mature adults here and yes we act like kids sometimes, but it livens up the place. I agree with others that if its a personal attack then yes that crosses the lilne, but having a different opinion and expressing it is not a bad thing.
If someone does something to their car and wants opinons not everyone is going to like it and I dont think its wrong to say you dont like the wheels or you would change this. If someone doesnt want opinions dont post a pic and ask for opinions.
brand specific really closes the "market" on an already small "market" when you do a regional thing. This is not a national site so its really hard to go brand specific. I am not saying open it up to every car on the road. But to bring Dodge, Ford, and GM v8s/v6s will help alot and still wont bring in it too many people where it will turn into a pittspeed.
Also if you drop brand specific you will probably get more sponsorships, which equals more spread of mouth which equals more people which equals more traffic which equals more events and meets and allows the acquiring of t-shirts, stickers and so forth to become a reality.
I been on the site for a LONG time and been very active ever since and love this site, but lately its been dead. I remember getting on and having 4 pages when i clikced new posts, but now to get there i have to wait to log in for a week or two.
This is a for sale ad, but whoever does decide to take over and wants it to become a huge success (im not saying its not a success already cause I love lou and thank him for doing this for so long) needs to take this into consideration and take suggestions into consideration.
Not to relate this to PittSPEED but, I think a specific area to call people out and be a keyboard assassin wouldn't be a bad idea. I think that would help to curb all the useful threads going to shit. On PittSPEED, you paid a premium membership fee ($10/yr) to get access to that area and you can go nuts. Outside of that, it's Ban City bitch.
Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump
I like this idea. This will also help with the fees of the site and with getting t shirts and such.
I am not saying this place is being ran wrong or not good enough. I think that Lou just doesnt have the time to make it the site that it used to be because it used to be a very lively site when he did have the time.
I truly think that opening up brand specific will bring this site to the once glory it was.
Last edited by scott5; 11-30-2012 at 10:29 AM.
I will also buy it if someone else runs it. I just want to hold the ban stick.
All car wash and detail threads be gone!
Its not Lou's fault that its not at its previous glory.... yea the rules are more restricted than other sites, but lets face it, there's not many people getting banned around here.....
I've been on this site since like '04, long before the server crash that reset us all.... the excitement back then came from various idiots posting total B.S. all over the place.... and I'll be the first to admit, i used to start my fair share of crap - the first second i said a single word, everyone would be all up in arms because i had a GM in my signature, not a ford...... i haven't necessarily changed my views, but i just dont have the time to sit on here an argue anymore... trust me, i'm tempted to often open my mouth, but i can't sit on this site for hours each day arguing about various stupid topics...
and lets be honest, most of the entertainment came from ViperEd... :D ... now that he doesn't start crap every single day, there's no fun going around.... lol, sorry Ed
Its about the people that hang around, not the management of the forum....
And when mangement started to restrict, it was for good reason... for a long time, you could have arguments with people and blast them, and get blasted back... there were quire a few people on here that i thought were dingleberries via the net, but pretty cool dudes in person.... the restrictions came when things started to get super personal.... i won't name any names, but most would know who i'm talking about... there'd be talk daily about how one dude got in another dudes face, and the other is a total pu$$y because he didnt want to fight right there in the middle of the car show.... blah blah blah blah... people just started to take stuff too personal....
When it gets to the extent of violence, yes each person is responsible for their own actions, btu management felt it had to be controlled.. whether they're responsible or not, it puts a bad view on the website and its owners ... just imagine if the above mentioed no-names get in a fight at a car show.... knowing them, a knife gets pulled out.... then the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports that the fued began on a site called SteelCityStangs... then those that run that site look like jackasses .....
2015 Corvette Z06
- Shark Grey / Kalahari
- bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)
Then how does Yellowbullet still exist or any other site for that fact? I think its hilarious when two people start going at it. Like last night on another site I get a text to read some funny stuff. That got me to sign in and read it and laugh. I didnt have to get involved so I just read and laughed, but it got me to sign on and got me to look at other threads. Thats the traffic this place needs.
Like I said when it starts getting personal then yes a mod needs to step in. And steelcitystangs would not be the start of the fight because everything gets started from off this site cause someone said something that someone heard that someone say. Cause you could blame the internet existing for starting that fight because without the internet steelcitystangs would not exist therefore the fight wouldnt of happened, you know what I mean?
Either i don't troll the site enough, or i'm not buying it.....
In the days of old (and excitement), everything started on this site.... having big e-muscles and shooting your mouth off..... and i'm in agreement, I find it really comical, honestly i do - all i'm saying is that i understand why it had to be stopped.....
but i still stand by my statement that its not Lou's fault.... i think the people that started the majority of the crap are gone.... why? yes, because the mods banned them... but i think Lou and the mods had a plenty high enough threshhold... the problem was that those guys couldn't control themselves and keep themselves in check.... its not like SCS is the only board they've been kicked off of.... there's quite a few boards, including nationwide ones, that they've been permabanned from...
so if you want more excitement, stand out on a street corner with signs looking for jackasses to join the site.... then the respectful memebers will scream "why can't everyone just get along" and all leave.... lol... its a perpetual cycle...
2015 Corvette Z06
- Shark Grey / Kalahari
- bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)
I personally think it should remain SCS for the fact that, that is what its been since day one. Maybe do some updating to the sight and what not, but thats it! You've already got unitedgearheads.com in the Burgh, that is open to all brands and is somewhat chaotic at times.
17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
16 Comp O GT Performance Pack
03 Oxford white Cobra (Gone but not forgotten)