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Thread: holley systemax, nitrous kits,wc t5 setup and tons of stuff

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by 94opalgt View Post
    And why should he trust him to refund the money "after" he ships it back to him? He's already lied about the thing twice, #1 That it was polished and it wasn't. #2 That it was in perfect condition, it's nowhere near perfect. He wasn't honest about it to begin with, so why should he trust him to refund his money after he ships it back to him?

    Agreed with totally. Also why should i have to endure the cost of shipping. But it is what it is. But comparing walmart to forum ordering is stupid. Moron.
    2003 Mustang GT
    4.6 Twin Turbo
    Street Lethal Performance Tune

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 94opalgt View Post
    And why should he trust him to refund the money "after" he ships it back to him? He's already lied about the thing twice, #1 That it was polished and it wasn't. #2 That it was in perfect condition, it's nowhere near perfect. He wasn't honest about it to begin with, so why should he trust him to refund his money after he ships it back to him?

    i dont know how many times im gonna have to say this SEND IT BACK I WILL REFUND THE MONEY NO PROBLEMS . paypal is handling this now. i mistakenly posted it as polished and not chrome . i dont do show cars as i own MUSTANG . so to me it is great perfect shape , wipe it off slap it on go run some 9 sec passes easy as 1=2=3 . at least thats what i was going to do . since the first time i heard of this issue was on here instead of contacting me directly , why dont you post pics of the alternator . i will try to dig up mine as well .

    once more i will not wil not will not will not will not will not refund anything until i have the alternator back. after all the childish behaviour and the way this was presented how do i know you wont do somthing to it before returning it. so again just so we are clear , send it back ill refund the money.

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