i dont know how many times im gonna have to say this SEND IT BACK I WILL REFUND THE MONEY NO PROBLEMS . paypal is handling this now. i mistakenly posted it as polished and not chrome . i dont do show cars as i own MUSTANG . so to me it is great perfect shape , wipe it off slap it on go run some 9 sec passes easy as 1=2=3 . at least thats what i was going to do . since the first time i heard of this issue was on here instead of contacting me directly , why dont you post pics of the alternator . i will try to dig up mine as well .
once more i will not wil not will not will not will not will not refund anything until i have the alternator back. after all the childish behaviour and the way this was presented how do i know you wont do somthing to it before returning it. so again just so we are clear , send it back ill refund the money.