Just looking for some input from people who may have been in this situation.
I work for a small company (5 people). The other support guy left in November for a job closer to home, paying more money. Up to that point I had no idea what he made.
About 2 weeks later I took over his desk/office. In the drawer I found a recent review showing his salary, which was about 25% more than what I make. About the only thing he had over me was 1.5 yrs more time in the company. In every other aspect of the job I blew him away, performance-wise.
Fast forward to around December, I approach my boss about receiving a raise. I had gotten about 4.5% at my last review (July 2012), but keeping in mind I am far below what the other guy made. I made hints that I wanted to be where the other guy was at, but I never discussed numbers. I was told he wasn't getting a raise this year and that he was possibly going to be let go at the end of the year because he was making too much (he was hired during the first year before they had really seen their budget I guess?). I am a salary employee, no OT or commissions, profit share bonus.
My question is, has anyone encountered this situation and how did you handle it? I really enjoy my job and I thought my pay was adequate to my job, until I found out what the other guy made. Now I constantly question why I am not making the same, and feel like I should be paid what I deserve and what may be available on the market. I am coming up on 2 yrs with the company and I feel like my work has really helped the company grow more than it ever would have with the other guy at the helm.
Any ideas?