I've saw a few people do the LSx swaps, 5.3's, 6.0's, etc. Their cars are fast, but I've witnessed other Ford engines wipe them clean as well. It really comes down to how much money you want to bring to the table to play. I've owned GM, Ford, Dodge, and Mitsubishi. I've had a sample of just about every brand on the road. GM platform vehicles are strong runners and the LS series engines are great engines. But you can't beat down Ford's modular engines. Those engines are strong runners. The new 5.0 coyote engines run pretty good though. LSx's are work horses. Right now the Ford/Chevy battle is a good one. They'll keep pushing each other to make great cars.

Here's an example of an LSx vs the new 5.0 GT
2000 Firebird Formula WS6 :: 6M, Texas Speed Headers/Y-Pipe, Spintech Exhaust, Monster Clutch, Air Lid, MGW Short Throw, 170k miles and a tune..
2012 GT 5.0 :: 6M, Exhaust, no tune that I'm aware of..