Lucky that car was outside. I've seen pics of fire trucks that had an air cylinder explode(composite wrap that had chemicals spilled on it) took half the truck off and blew out side wall of station.
Non existing or burst disc installed wrong(always washer, disc, plug with proper torque) If disc is put in before washer you just increased the pressure it will now blow at. That is not a good thing.
Tested a Zex cylinder not long ago. It is nothing more than a 10lb CO2 shell that you would see as a fire extinguisher. 1800psi service pressure and 3000psi test pressure(which is what all burst discs are set as, test pressure for the cylinder, per DOT)
2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
2004 Mustang GT - Comp Orange/5speed Best 1/4 11.94@113.64, 1/8 7.59@89.48, 1.57 60' - Best 60' 1.51, just a NA 2v
Ed, I'm curious about the washer you speak of, I know excatly what you mean from real burst disc's for pressure vessels. That said, I bought all new fittings and disc's for my bottles when I got into this stuff. The nitrous bottle disc's that I got was basically a formed cap that goes on the end of the fitting then into the port. I installed them with teflon sealant on the threads and towrque to what they told me but no washers was provided or mentioned. Have you seen the type they use?
I think the bottle side of the seal is machined into the port on the bottle, but to not know frankly. I watch my pressure but with the new hatch and hot weather I have seen some big pressure climb. We was on the cruise at Norwalk and Tom asked if I had purged the system ... indeed I did because I turned the bottle on and 30 miles in the sun and a full bottle was over 1,000 psi (with an insulating blanket).
I have the safeties, but sure am not leaving a bottle in the heat, not sure I trust them now.