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Thread: Rear sway bars

  1. #1
    I drive the Fairmont snailmont5oh's Avatar
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    Altoona, PA

    Rear sway bars


    I'm looking for some swaybar options for the rear of my Fairmont. I currently have a bar from a 1986 Mustang GT. It is about 20mm. I'd like to try something about an inch (25mm), and maybe a 31mm bar from a '93 Cobra if anyone has one lying around. Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Fairmonts are the same as a Mustang. I have suspension technique sway bars which are pretty beefy ( I think the rear is .9" and front is 1 3/8"). You could always bolt an adjustable Steeda rear sway bar (which is located above the rear end) on there while leaving the stock bar mounted in its original location.

    Throw a picture or two of your Fairmont on here. Most of us like them!

  3. #3
    Here is a picture of the additional Steeda bar installed!


  4. #4
    I drive the Fairmont snailmont5oh's Avatar
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    Altoona, PA
    It doesn't look like the Steeda bar will work with my Watts link. I'm hoping to find those sizes used so that I can tune without having to spend $150 per bar.

    I can do better than pics. Look at this.

  5. #5
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    Just get the Maximum bar and be done with it. But you still need to run more camber than you are running. You have a tiny front bar too. These cars will push sometimes when the bar is too small because of the body roll and shitty camber curve. Sometimes stiffening the front reduces push. I have a massive front bar, 1000lb springs in the stock location, 500lb in the rear, a maximum bar on the softest setting, and running 4.2 degrees negative camber in the front, caster maxed positive.

    Your 400lb front coilovers are fairly stiff for your rear springs as well. You mentioned to me the other day the understeer made itself known when swapping to the stiffer fronts. Those rears are great with a 1000lb stock location spring, or a ~300lb coilover. I don't think they are quite stiff enough for the 400s.
    Last edited by Mark Aubele; 07-22-2013 at 04:36 PM.
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  6. #6
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    you need more brakes before more sway bar
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    12 GT 6m cobra jet powered 11.4 @124
    90 lx supercharged 440 rwhp on 8 lbs
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