Jan 23 my Girlfriends Mom was diagnosed and she is currently undergoing treatments. My girlfriend over the past month or so has been working rigorously collecting donations for the Susan G. Komen walk for the cure. Her mom has no idea she's been doing this and its going to be a huge surprise come Mothers Day. So far she has just reached the $500 mark from people making small donations, $5, $10, $20 here and there. Her and I are also doing the walk for the cure on mothers day with her mother. I'm not sure if anyone on here has ever dealt with cancer or had someone close go through it, its not the easiest thing.
My girlfriend doesn't know I'm making this post, but I figured its worth a try since this is such a great community. I know Dana (onesweetday) has already donated and we greatly appreciate it. With every donation received, my girlfriend is putting a ribbon up at her work with the individuals name on it. An example is in the picture below.
If anyone is interested in donating, it would make a huge difference and be greatly appreciate. My girlfriends address is:
Jessica Taucher
200 Caruso Drive
Monroeville, PA 15146
I can accept paypal for her as well which is danweiss01@yahoo.com
If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to call me 412-708-4437.
Lou & Mods if this is breaking any forum rules, I apologize, just let me know.