Was curious if anyone here that attends shows built their own car show display stand. Was just trying to get some ideas or any helpful advice. Pictures would be great.
Was curious if anyone here that attends shows built their own car show display stand. Was just trying to get some ideas or any helpful advice. Pictures would be great.
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
PM Sent. I had a really nice one made, Ill send u some pics.
2004 Comp Orange Cobra
2.3 Whipple
2013 Explorer Sport Ecoboost
2011 F-350 CC 6.7 Power Stoke
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
Eagerly waiting for pics! :)
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
Something like this?
2003 Ford Mustang Dark Shadow Grey 4.6L GT
2004 Ford F-150 Super Crew Dark Shadow Grey 5.4L
these are awesome and expensive
Current Stable
2013 School Bus Yellow Boss 302
1993 Red Cobra
Previous Stable
2012 White Mustang-Traded
2004 Competition Orange Terminator - Sold
2003 Black Cobra-Traded
1998 Black Cobra-Traded
1991 White 5.0 Conv-Sold
1986 Purple 5.0 Trunk-Sold to Psycho 5.0
Xchamp: Thanks for the pics, that is very nice!
I've done the typical google search and I've seen I think everything on the market. GOT SVT, those are super nice but I can't justify the price of them. Don't get me wrong I would use it and it looks awesome but that price is way too steep. I'm trying to come up with something a lot cheaper and was trying to get ideas what others have created.
I got a display board made but have not got it printed out yet since I'm not sure how I'm going to display it. I can either get 20x30 or 24x36. I'm leaning towards 20x30. I was trying to avoid the small easel sitting on the ground. Looking for something waist level so it's easy to read.
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
A idea I have had is use a small laptop stand.....have what you want on your display board printed on vinyl and just lay the vinyl on the stand surface. This way you could even have a pic as the background with your mod list over top. Plus it's low and has decent weight.
But only if I let Kenne scream at ya. LOL
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
Got this setup made from two different people. Both worked to make it exactly how I wanted it and were not only fabricators and photographers but were both car guys. The guy that made the stand is Brian Pancoast who is on SVTperformance and the guy that did the showboard is Troy Kruger. I told Brian how I wanted the stand built and what color to powdercoat it and mine is actually very mild compared to some of the nice GT500 ones he has done. With Troy, I supplied the photos and text and he kept working the design until I approved it. His site has tons of designs and options. If you look closely at the text on the showboard you will see that my engine bay is the background/watermark behind it. Troy did a great job. Brian's stand is very solid and very functional and it is a design where you drive over the base with the front wheel so it will never blow over or fall into your car or get bumped by people walking by and hit the fender. His site has some great photos and a video of it. Overall, there are probably showboards and stands just as nice as these two but there will be no disappoints with these as well. They are not cheap but I believe just like every industry you get what you pay for.
Here is a horrible pic of mine in the back of the garage and links to their respective sites.
photo 5.JPG
Last edited by celeste; 08-20-2013 at 09:28 AM.
1989 Mustang GT 663 RWHP
MM&FF May 2010 Cover/Feature Car AND 5.0 Magazine Oct. 2011 Feature Car
1991 Strawberry Notch
2003 Cobra White with Parchment inserts (1 of 170)
1992 Calypso LX
2008 Roush Blackjack #30 of 100
MM&FF Article
5.0 Article
Current Stable
2013 School Bus Yellow Boss 302
1993 Red Cobra
Previous Stable
2012 White Mustang-Traded
2004 Competition Orange Terminator - Sold
2003 Black Cobra-Traded
1998 Black Cobra-Traded
1991 White 5.0 Conv-Sold
1986 Purple 5.0 Trunk-Sold to Psycho 5.0
How about something like a "please wait to be seated" weighted base stand? Waist high and shouldn't blow over
2chldhd: yes, I've been looking at something similar to that. Just can't find one that is in landscape. I guess I could just buy the one I like then cut it and perhaps weld it back in the position. Was trying to come up with something that you can drive over the base plate, as I really like that idea. You don't have to worry about it blowing over, getting knocked over, etc. Maybe a stand like you mentioned and modify the bottom so I could drive the car over top of it.
Thanks guys for the suggestions. However 99% of them I've seen online. I'm still looking for "homemade" stands. I have the display board already. I thought more people would have made their own instead of buying off a online store, etc.
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
Here's the stand I was gonna use....
Just a vinyl shop print what ever you want on a peice of vinyl then lay it on the stand. Can be angled decently and not real high plus it has decent weight
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But only if I let Kenne scream at ya. LOL
That's not bad but I don't think the top part moves/tilts. It would be good if it tilted say 45 degrees. I then would only question the bottom part if it would not fall over with wind, etc.
I do like the price! :)
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
It does tilt.....I have one. They are decently heavy.
But only if I let Kenne scream at ya. LOL
Figs. I don't have a store near me to actually see one. Might have to make a road trip or find something similar at Staples, etc.
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
I found this today. I like that the height is adjustable and it clamps the picture in. With the legs being so adjustable you could have it level on just about any type of surface outside. Not the custom look I'm looking for but so far I like it the best. Probally have to come up with an idea to weigh it down by the legs in case of wind or I just won't use it if it's windy.
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires
Just to get an idea on the size, 20x30
00-775 S/C Saleen mats 200mph speedo wheel option speedster SLP headers and full exhaust Accufab 65mm TB CAI K&N Sequential turn signals Custom Saleen trunk lid panel
13.47 @ 102.5 with 1.88 60' street tires