When you're gippin people, you gotta stretch every dollar
When you're gippin people, you gotta stretch every dollar
Live free or die
To be honest, youre a better person than I am. I know for a fact you have more patients. ....good grief.
Ive gone through this very thing--You wont get your money back unless he decides to give it to you--You cant prove that he had the intent to steall your money, even though he did. You have no criminal case--you can go to your magistrate and file a complaint--they will find in your favor and order ghim to pay. You can pay the extra money, about $200 to have the constabal go with you to sieze his property--if he has filed bankrupcy--you get nothing. I went to court when my contractor filed for bankrupcy--The hearing officer threatened to jail me if I "opened my mouth again"
Unfortunatley, its too easy to get taken, no matter how much homework you do. Now, only one person, a friend works on my home, regardless of price.
Late Sunday afternoon I got a phone call. He apologized and stated he didn't have the money, but has it all now and will mail the check. I met with the DA anyhow. I rec'd and deposited the check today. Now, if the check bounces the DA said call the police and he'd be in real hot water.
Under the home improvement act, intent has nothing to do with it. When you take money from someone and don't do any work, it's fraud. In my mind's eye it's theft. If he had come and done anything like lay a chalk line, I would've been up the creek. I agree if he didn't decide to give the money back it gets tough. Liens and other methods can be used, but it's a long process and liens can be avoided. It's funny how the gov't says you can't put this in your body, this in your car, etc but they'll let you get taken for a ride financially without giving a rat's ass. Like those Blue Sky loan commercials…they'll give you 10k. If you take the entire time to pay it back, you owe $48500. Loansharks give better rates and they're illegal. Not that I want more gov't, but some type of protection would be nice.
Assuming the check clears I'm happy to be done with the whole thing, although I still have a horrendous driveway and have to start the whole process over again next spring.
Live free or die
This stuff is everyone's worst nightmare, and why I try to learn to do as much as I possibly can on my own. Asphalt is definitely outside of that realm though... I went through a bunch of nonsense with the window company and installers who were half assing repairs. Glad you finally got it resolved!
Dan -- 2003 Cobra DSG Coupe #6009
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it. But if it's real, you'll feel it. IG: @donuttrump
I'm really leery about paying anyone anything before the job is done. Especially after seeing this. Watch catch a contractor on spike as well. There a lot of shady people out there. I tried a different contractor who was cheaper once. Had to have my original contractor come and fix his work.
Everything we've had done like doors etc I purchase and then have the contractor install it, then I pay them for labor and any other materials. When I had new electric service installed and my basement rewired, they completed the whole job and then I paid for it including all materials. For me if it's a smaller job and the contractor is asking for money up front, that's a red flag. Luckily I have a contractor that's very particular and trustworthy. Good thing because my house is a fixer upper lol.
I try to do everything my self. In the 7 or 8 yrs we've been in this house the only people I hired was someone to do the electrical box, then the furnace and AC. I'm lucky my dad taught me a ton and I paid attention. I have no issue paying people to do things, but only if I can't or the job is over my head and I have a good idea what those things are. I thought I was doing the right thing hiring someone who's been around over 40 yrs and done work around the neighborhood. Maybe it's the end of the road for him? I got a few months to check out new guys.
Live free or die