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Thread: Fox Shell and Wheels & Stuff.

  1. #1

    Fox Shell and Wheels & Stuff.

    1 turbine wheel & tire with center - $15
    2 10 holes with center caps & tires (one center cap is dented) - $25
    1 set of 4 bolt honeycomb wheels & tires - One is flat - $50

    Door shells for the above coupe shell - Gutted - Just as clean as the body - $150 for the pair
    Inner fender liners - 3 sets - $20 a set.
    Last edited by Flyin Monkey; 10-24-2013 at 05:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Do you have any pics of the shell?

  3. #3
    Currently, no. If it doesn't rain before I get out there I will get you some. What do you want to see? OR you can take a drive over and check it out in person!

  4. #4
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    can you send me a pic of shell 724-984-5283? and whats deal with title?

  5. #5
    Where are you located at? If not just general pics to 724-986-5174

  6. #6
    2 miles from the intersection of Rt.22 and Rt.66 - Delmont/Export area.

    I'll try and get pics tomorrow.

  7. #7
    That's not too far from me I live in latrobe

  8. #8
    Pictures sent.

  9. #9
    Shell no longer available.

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