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Thread: Ebay Motors format

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Ebay Motors format

    Some people have problems with booze or pills, but for me... it's Mercurys.

    So I'd scan Ebay Motors for Mercurys from acceptable years... 1965 to 1978. With a few Marauder and Capri-exceptions, there isn't much they made after '78 that interests me. And prior to '65 they just didn't make much I'd really really "need".

    Up until last week, I could go to Ebay, click on "Ebay Motors", scroll down a smidge on the right and enter "Mercury" under "Makes" and then type in "65-78" and in a micro-second I'd be looking at the entire inventory.

    Something changed last week. Now it seems I have to enter "Model". I don't want to enter Model. I might want a Cougar today. Or another Cyclone. Or maybe just a Comet. Or a Marquis. Not a Bobcat.

    I mean, its like donuts, how do I know what I want until I see them all?

    (Full disclosure, I also scan '65-'73 Porsches. It's easier to buy Mercurys, but Porsches take up less space.)

    Has anybody else noticed this? Am I part of an evil beta-group? Any hints on how to get the "old" Ebay Motors back, or ideas on how to cope with the new one?

    Craigs List doesnt get 2 decent Mercurys a week and I'm just not ready to quit cold turkey.

  2. #2
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    67 2-door parklane on c-list at the's a rough one though!

    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

    Buy Made in the USA - It Matters.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    LOL - Thanks for something clever!

  4. #4
    Kickin it Old School somethingclever's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Here is my buddy's 67 Marquis......he had to part it out couple years back...not many buyers for big merc's...

    CJ headed 416ci FE - went 98mph in the quarter...not bad for a big girl.
    It did good burnouts anyway.


    Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................

    Buy Made in the USA - It Matters.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Sweet! My first was a '78 Marquis my dad bought new. It's a 460 car and in the midst of an obsessive body-off restoration. Until a year ago, my daily driver was an '03 Marauder with a Trilogy supercharger on it. It likes to make big puffy clouds like your buddy's '66 did. I'm keeping it... 13.1 on street tires with stock exhaust and 3 kids seats across the back! I've got a '66 Cyclone GT too... just had the C6 swapped for a Top Loader. Drove it to work today because the weather is going to suck tomorrow and perhaps forever after. Hoping to drop the top on the way home.

    Thanks for something to look at besides the messed up Ebay Motors!

  6. #6
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    Autotrader changed there format too. Not sure if I like it.

    Nice burn-out in the old Merc John.
    17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
    16 Comp O GT Performance Pack
    03 Oxford white Cobra (Gone but not forgotten)

  7. #7
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    A good '68 Cougar Xr7 project car is on my list, still looking...

  8. #8
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    ...sorry Greg, but "obsessive" is a bit of an understatement when describing the resto of your Merc. Kind of like saying Jessica Alba is "sorta cute"!!!

    But I can't wait to see her done!!!
    Last edited by PaxtonShelby; 10-21-2013 at 09:08 PM.
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  9. #9
    Senior Member Dan B.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaxtonShelby View Post
    Kind of like saying Jessica Alba is "sorta cute"
    Or.........Cam and Spedracer are "kinda gay"...........
    Last edited by Dan B.; 10-21-2013 at 09:56 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Ahh fuque
    1985 Ranger--2WD, basic bolt-ons and tires, 11.92 @ 111mph.

    1986 Ranger--2WD, 5.0/T5/8.8.

  10. #10
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Noticed cl changed their car format to search within years also. Very nice addition imo.

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