my mom needs a pass side headlight for her 04 aztek. anyone know a place like a good junkyard to find one?
my mom needs a pass side headlight for her 04 aztek. anyone know a place like a good junkyard to find one? do a search there, they list 4 or 5 avaialble (pricey)
Bob Myers
Can look at my parts place for a aftermarket one if you want insuance comp would.Drop me a pm if you want me check.
not sure what ya mean about insurance there...we paying cash...hers has a moisture problem.
Try rock auto online for aftermarket ones at good prices..
I own a repair shop and sometimes they have pricing better than my cost through my suppliers!
they dont have one
we asked a good friend of ours who owns a aftermarket replacement store back in parkersburg (where she lives) and he cant get any....said so far dealer OEM only.
edit - also mater doesnt have one. has one but $75-100 for one with a busted mount. no thanks