I'm looking for opinions of anyone that has owned or atleast driven both regularly a terminator Cobra and a new coyote powered Mustang. On paper, the horsepower ratings seem close enough that they would be similar drives but I have never driven a stock or nearly stock Cobra to know for sure. With all the rage of the terminators, to find a nearly stock one with lower miles - the price is getting close to if not passing a sllightly used or even stripped down new coyote powered Mustang. Seems like Cobra values for clean low mile cars can range from $18k all the way to $30k. A used 2011+ Mustang is in the $23k-31k range. Am I comparing apples to oranges with the "driving experience" between the two ? I realize the collectability of the Cobra's plays a part in the pricing, but I'm looking as of now just on the driving characteristics of both.