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Thread: Will '94-95 headers work on 87-93 5.0 ?

  1. #1
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    Will '94-95 headers work on 87-93 5.0 ?

    I saw a pair of '94-95 BBK headers that came off a '95 5.0 that has smog bungs that the 87-93 headers I've seen do not. Will these work on 87-93 cars if the smog bungs are plugged up or welded shut ?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    yes, though I have heard there is a very slight difference in the size of the collectors to the H pipe too.
    It can work, but may leak if not sealed right.

    I read a lot on the header differences cause most of the headers I seem to find are for a fox and not 94-95 that I would need.

  3. #3
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    I've used them before

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  4. #4
    Hi! I'M DAKS #1 BITCH! TooFast98Cobra's Avatar
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    ^same here..

    I'm actually going to post up a set of kooks 2" to 3.5 coll. For sale soon. Stainless and has burns mufflers on the collectors . Also has egt bungs that are plugged on each primary . Lmk . For a fox with a 8.2 or 8.7 deck and they have diagonal bolt pattern .

  5. #5
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    To the guys that have used them before - did the 94-95 headers bolt up to the 87-93 flange on the h/x pipe or did it need modified ?

  6. #6
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    I didn't modify anything, if I remember right just i plugged the pollution bung

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  7. #7
    Pinks All Out #189 349Stroker's Avatar
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    I put 87-93 headers on a 95 and worked perdext so no reason u couldnt put 95's on a fox
    88 GT...and some boost

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    I read a good thread on corral where the guy actually measured and had pics of the size difference. Thus the only reason I said what I said.
    I have no direct experience but looked into it before I commit to a header purchase.

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