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Thread: AOD Valve Body / Shift Kit Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    AOD Valve Body / Shift Kit Advice

    I have a '91 Mustang with an AOD. I have a B&M ratchet shifter installed and was introduced to the "AOD Shuffle" since all of my previous mustangs were manual. I have plans to install 410s this summer. Obviously my shifter reads 1-D-OD which equates to 1-3-4. The shuffle goes like this (for those who don't know)...

    1. Start in 1st, hit gas
    2. Shift into D and wait for 2nd gear to engage
    3. Immediately shift back into 1st which holds it in 2nd gear
    4. When ready to shift, shift back into D which shifts it into 3rd gear
    5. Avoid shifting into OD when being aggressive

    Admittedly, I just bought this car before the snow hit so I have yet to do the shuffle. I am now reading that is is horrible for your transmission unless you get a shift kit. A shift kit will yield aggressive shifts points and eliminate the tranny running 2 gears during transition. I also realize how easy it is to swap out a valve body which includes the shift kit. Even though a shift kit is cheaper, I am leaning towards swapping the entire valve body to eliminate labor cost.

    Finally, my question...

    What valve body would you guys recommend. I am thinking about this one:

    So If I understand this correcty, 1-D-OD would equate to 1-2-3 and if I run out 3rd gear, it would auto shift into 4th? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member celeste's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Uniontown, PA
    This is the guy I used on the AOD in the wife's car. He is really easy to work with and will walk you through the options you have and get you the valve body you want. Definitely worth the call. I do not know about the PA automatic one, so it may just as good or better though.

    1989 Mustang GT 663 RWHP
    MM&FF May 2010 Cover/Feature Car AND 5.0 Magazine Oct. 2011 Feature Car
    1991 Strawberry Notch
    2003 Cobra White with Parchment inserts (1 of 170)
    1992 Calypso LX
    2008 Roush Blackjack #30 of 100

    MM&FF Article
    5.0 Article

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Thanks...I sent this guy an email with some questions. Main question was if he builds me a valve body for 410 gears (will install this summer), will this be ok in meantime while I have my stock gears.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    He responded right away. FYI- here is his response in case others were wondering:

    IF you keep the stock converter, I would go stage 1 or 2 if you want firmer....nothing beyond that.
    As for calibration with the is a toss....if I calibrate for the 4.10 it will hold gears pretty long, really stretch out the shifts - You would get by just fine though.
    You will want the governor kit if you are going 4.10, $40 option
    SPT1 is $275

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