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Thread: Shorty headers on stock 5.0 - opinions on brands

  1. #1
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    Shorty headers on stock 5.0 - opinions on brands

    I'm thinking that the need for long tubes isn't really there for me until I start building more power. With that being said, does anyone have opinions on whether or not the JBA or Ford Motorsport headers are worth the extra money. I'm looking at staying with 1 5/8" . I know there are many brands available out there and am welcome to experiences with other brands, but with the little research I've done it seems like the Motorsport and JBA's seem to offer the "best" scavenging for a shorty.

  2. #2
    Member Mark Aubele's Avatar
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    I personally wouldn't waste the money on a shorty header. Long tubes or spend the money elsewhere, IMHO.
    2014 Mustang GT Stock and for sale
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    1964 Ford F-100

  3. #3
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Before I would reply, from your avatar you have a newer 5.0 Mustang. These run really good! If they make a long tube header for it and you can find a H ipe with cats then that would be the way to go. There are obviously alot of add ons for Mustangs. If its your daily driver then it needs to pass inspection and probably emission. I am a old school 5.0 guy so I am not up on all the toys for the new 5.0 (which I would love to put in my 86 GT). My 86 GT is now an antique and I am thinking about long tube headers. Again, you have got to decide what you can do and still drive the car.

    If your car is an old fox body 5.0, this may be the ticket for you:

  5. #5
    Springin' It cLockWise's Avatar
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    I'm with the other guys. Long tubes only, or put the money elsewhere


  6. #6
    Senior Member roush08's Avatar
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    Sorry - should have said it was for a fox body 5.0 - 1993 notchback. Unfortunately, the avatar pic is from my 08 Roush that I had to sell last year

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    i put some mac ceramic coated shortys on my 88 gt last year. very little diff if any but i knew that before hand. i already had an off road x and was tired of looking at the old rusty factory ones and got a great deal on c list for nib ones

  8. #8
    Senior Member PaceFever79's Avatar
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    Shorty headers on stock 5.0 - opinions on brands

    Although I prefer long tubes, hedman in particular are good fitting budget long tubes similar to hooker in design, but you can still get a nice little bump from a good set of shorties on a mild engine with a matching exhaust upgrade. I would go with the ford racing shorties because they fit the gt40p heads the best and that is a popular budget upgrade you might consider in the future.

    You can get good results with a 2.5" off road system from summit brand or flow master. You can take it a step further by running 3" downpipes to the h-pipe which mimic a 3" collector. Then 2.5" from the mufflers back. A friend of mine has that exact system on his 89 with gt40 heads, crane e cam, with all the usual bolt ons and it runs mid-high 12s, not too shabby.
    Last edited by PaceFever79; 02-24-2014 at 10:46 AM.

  9. #9
    stock 5.0 shorty headers restrict power alot.any shorty header in 1 5/8"is a big improvement over the stock ones.long tubes are always going to be better than a shorty.but if you drive it alot on street and the car is lowered long tubes hit every bump in the road.i have a new set of pypes stainless shortys on mine they fit perfect and they look great with a good price.they are a hood power gain over stock

  10. #10
    Other Part Number: FMS-M-9430-P51
    Manufacturer Part Number: M-9430-P51
    Surface Finish: Silver Ceramic Coated 16-Gauge 409 Stainless Steel

  11. #11
    The M-9430-P51 headers are for Ford GT40P heads. Summitt Racing has them for $399. I believe they work on the regular heads.

    If you want long tubes then here is a nice package:

  12. #12
    I used the frpp gt40P headers on my car. They fit perfect for the gt40p heads I have. That said I have never used long tubes on my cars and this thread is making me wonder if maybe I should look into them too.

  13. #13
    With stock heads I lost low end torque with shorty headers...if you plan on building wait til you change heads and then match some long tube headers...

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