So much time spent on trailer last few weekends. That I only just got to clean up car over last two weekends.
Repainted spoiler. Painted trunk lid between tail lights. Satin Black. Then decided to darken tail lights using VHT Nightshade and some acrylic clear over top. If only the bumpers could be brought back but nothing short of repainting them will fix the fade on the top of them.
Then looked for few more pounds to pull from car. So yanked rear speak/amp package and head unit. 27.5lbs gone. Quick and easy. Then made a plate to cover opening where radio was at.
Polished front wheels as I left them on all winter and car sat outside for 9 months. 00 steel wool and a mix of White Diamond, Blue Magic. 100 times better looks than the mess they were.
Wish blower motor was in and other things that need done were also finished but I wanna go racing. So fall it will be game on.