If anyone knows me they know I think foxbodies are ugly but gotta hand it to them on weight and seeing Alot at drag strip. I recently pulled my h/c nitrous motor out of my street camaro and a 6.0 to favor a Huron speed v2 tt kit that it will be a guinea pig for. So I started looking at foxes and I am a cheap ass and I think they are ugly so I started looking for my favorite body style sn95.. which can be had for half as much. Now internet numbers are all over the place on to actual weight. Does anyone here have some real scale numbers on a sn95(94-98) and Fox body weight numbers? I don't care if it's in race status or not but it will give a real number. this is the only mustang site that doesn't mess up on my phone..
Going to look at a Fox roller today for 1200 with no hood but still can get a full running 94gt for 1500 lol.