A little backround info first, bought a supercharged 11 california special back in january, car sat in garage for winter, first time at the track in april car ran a best of 11.70 about three hours after leaving the track car went into limp mode with all kinds of throttle position codes, did some investigating on line and decided to take everything apart and clean throttle body and mass air sensor, car was fine until late july after the next time at the track, got the car to a new best of 11.64 but this time on the way home from the track car went into limp mode, with all the same codes as last time. To make a long story short replaced the gt500 throttle body with a new one from ford racing that included all new electronics, still having problems, so anyone a tech or deal with one they trust. Anyone think this might be in the tune? Sorry for going on and on just damn frustrated.