Anyone thought of ways of advertising the site? Getting the word out?
Obvously it will be easy in the warmer weather months at shows, races ect to do fliers, banners or signs. It all comes down to how much you guys want to go with this. I'm not going to waste my time if no one cares or shows up to an event.
Also, I feel like it's only a matter of time before assholes start joining. As we are now going to open it up to god knows what. I think that the rules and moderation should be known. i dont think this should become a free for all just to get traffc. I also think you should be atleast 18
to join if thats not already an option. Also, I don't even know who the moderators are any more. I would also like to nominate PaxtonShelby (Ron) to be a moderator if I could. He is a great guy, very knowledgeable and helpful. I think we all could agree on that. And no one has ever had beef or an issue with him. Id say he is a great representive to this forum. Just my 2 cents.