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Thread: Id rather put my weiner in a meat grinder than go back to autosupermarket again

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    Id rather put my weiner in a meat grinder than go back to autosupermarket again

    So I finished a call right by the autosupermarket in greensburg and I stopped in to buy a timing light. I tell the guy working the parts counter that I want a timing light (which is locked in a glass case) so he opens it up and he starts printing up the slip. He stops and says "man your getting a good deal this thing is coming up almost 80.00 bucks on the computer"'s marked 39.99 on the timing light. He calls the manager and she procedes to come over to the parts counter. She immediately takes the offensive telling me that she's not selling it for 40 bucks in a very combative and rude tone. I tell her that's its marked with their price tag and was locked up in a case and I think they should honor the price. She tells me she can take maybe a couple bucks off, but say's quote" I'm not selling it for 40 bucks and thats the bottomline" She then tells me I'm trying to take advantage of the them ( as she franticly rips the price tag off the timing light) Now she's pissing me off. I begin to tell her that's it's not my fault that an employee mis-priced it and stop trying to make me look like the bad guy when the counterperson ( who was actually much better at dealing with the situation) gets a different timing light ( that was also tagged at 39.99) and asks if I want this one. No every pore of my bieng is screaming just walk away and buy one somewhere else, but I really just want to get a damn light and be done with it. So I take that one and when I look back up the ever pleasant Asst. manager is storming away. No thanks for understanding, no sorry for the situation, nothing. So the counter guy walks me up to the checkout and he says sorry for the mix up, and heads back. The clerk rings up the light, I pay with my debit card, and ask him for a customer service number. Well fast forward a few hours I go to pick up a cake and pay and find that I don't have me debit card. They never returned it back and in my irritated state I didn't notice. So now I call and verify my card is there. it is. This means a 45 mile round trip to get it back. When I get there The asst. manager has to get my card from her office. She drops it on the counter and walks away, never saying a word. I returned the light went 25 yards up the road and bought one at Advance (11 cents cheaper!). I can't believe how some managers handle situations. I could see be upset if someone is screaming making a big scene, but she treated me like shit before I even spoke a word. I will never return.

  2. #2
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    that manager would have wished she would have called off today! And customer service would have a very long, very angry call! the price it was marked should be the price that is honored. hope you got names!

  3. #3
    far from a newb!!! INSANELY CRAZY's Avatar
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    out in the woods
    man that nutz... definatly would have let her have a piece of my mind.. then made her fell bout 2" tall.
    ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt

    2003 polaris predator 500

    (wanna ride,just pm me!!!)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Sweet Day View Post
    that manager would have wished she would have called off today! And customer service would have a very long, very angry call! the price it was marked should be the price that is honored. hope you got names!
    I called the home office (with names) and he said that he would do the same thing. He also made no appologys for how she handled the problem. I told him I would be appauled if I, or one of my team treated one of my customers that way and I would never do business with them again.

  5. #5
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    wtf!? whats the number, I'll call and say we aren't either! you don't treat customers like that! word of mouth is much more powerful than advertising! thats terrible business!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Cam99's Avatar
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    It was written on the original reciept which they kept when I returned the light. I believe it was the charleroi auto supermarket. Whichever one is the home office.

  7. #7
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    i would be

  8. #8
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    I worked for a martial arts school for almost five years. I single handedly doubled the school enrollment. After I left it went back down. :D They started to advertise but couldn't get student in there past orange belt (third belt earned). Customer Service is just as important if not more important than the products being sold.

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