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Thread: Job Search

  1. #1
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Job Search

    Long story short, I could be on the hunt for a new job in the coming weeks/months. I've never been a person to not work so I'm just trying to be proactive with the search and reach out to as many people possible.

    I have my BS and MS from Cal U and will be finishing up my PHD from IUP in the coming months. My background has always been in athletics and I have over 10+ years experience from a sport perspective in sales, communications, marketing/promotions, coaching, fiscal affairs, etc., but I am open to other professions. Ideally, I think my skill set would transition well into a sales position, but I'm also not afraid to get my hands dirty either.

    My wife and I are currently in the process of moving to the Greensburg area, but I would consider any and all opportunities in the surrounding Pittsburgh area.

    If you know or hear of anything, I would appreciate any leads and can provide the appropriate documents if needed (resume, reference letters, etc.)

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Dan B.'s Avatar
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    Armagh, PA
    Text me.

    724 599 0735
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Ahh fuque
    1985 Ranger--2WD, basic bolt-ons and tires, 11.92 @ 111mph.

    1986 Ranger--2WD, 5.0/T5/8.8.

  3. #3
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Well it's official... I am now in the market for a new position. Today, the University made some deeper cuts and unfortunately I happened to be one of them.

    As stated above in my original post, I have a BS, MS, and have almost completed my PhD. I feel that even though I have worked primarily in the world of Athletics that my skill set would be transferable into multiple different areas of work and professions.

    If anyone has any leads or contacts East/South of the City (South Hills, Greensburg, Mon Valley area, Monroeville, etc) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dan B.'s Avatar
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    Armagh, PA
    Sorry to hear that dude. I'd love to help if I could. I checked into that other thing we texted about but they had the guy and just made the search a formality.
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    Ahh fuque
    1985 Ranger--2WD, basic bolt-ons and tires, 11.92 @ 111mph.

    1986 Ranger--2WD, 5.0/T5/8.8.

  5. #5
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    Yeah, tough situation but I cant sit around and feel sorry for myself. If you hear of anything up there, let me know. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Sorry to hear that, I lost my job a few months back from the booming gas industry. 75 apps later and still looking. The thing that pisses me off is when a company posts a position when they already have a candidate or repost a job that I was qualified for but never called the first 2 times I sent them my resume. A degree doesn't mean much anymore, you have to know someone. Makes me want to make a $60k paper airplane out of my Finance Degree!
    1990 LX 306 supercharged

  7. #7
    No Traction due to Paxton PaxtonShelby's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this. If I hear of anything available where I work I will send you a link to the posting.
    2014 GT Premium - Sterling Gray Metallic - MT82 - Track Pack - Glass Roof - Recaro seats - Spoiler delete
    12.76 @ 114.04 bone stock. Koni yellow coil-overs, BMR watts, LCA and LCA relo brackets, Borla S-type axle back.

    1966 Coupe - 331 stroker - Bullet custom roller cam - cam and motor installed and dyno tuned by Rodeheavers Hot Rod - Astro A5 - McLeod RXT - 486 to the wheels - more fun than my little tires can handle

    1966 Oldsmobile Toronado - currently NOT on jackstands

  8. #8
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    It is definitely tough out there right now... Fortunately my wife has a solid job with good benefits so I'm not in a panic mode just yet.

    Paxton... Thanks, I am open to anything really at this point so any leads are appreciated.

    Also, I'll add that I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty and don't mind physical labor.

  9. #9
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    ravj31 - i sent you a PM

  10. #10
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    Philly - Thanks for the message. I replied back but your inbox is full and can't accept any new PM's.

    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    ravj31 - i sent you a PM

  11. #11
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Hey sorry about that. I freed up a few messages in the inbox. It shoudl go through now.


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