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Thread: Pa. People You Need to read this!

  1. #1
    73 2.3 Turbo Pinto map351's Avatar
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    Arrow Pa. People You Need to read this!

    This is from.
    "If you live in PA, your rights to own and customize a car is in serious jeopardy. In January, 2007, PENNDOT implemented a new "ENHANCED VEHICLE INSPECTION PROGRAM" known as EVIP. This program was developed and enacted without any public exposure, debate, input, or knowledge, just like the insideous midnight pay raise that they tried to foist upon us. Please read about what is going on, or you will soon be paying huge amounts in fines, and new procedures.

    Basically, PENNDOT began to develop a program to regulate and identify problem cars, like reconstructions, flood damaged vehicles, etc. Unfortunately, as wilth eveything that the state decides to stick its nose into, it went awry, and some brilliant idiot decided to include any and all cars that are not absolute, 100% stock vehicles.

    Here's how it goes. Once the plan gets fully implemented, there will be a network of special inspection stations across the state, and you will have to take your custom, collector, hotrod, streetrod, etc (Or any vehicle tagged by a state trooper as not being 100% stock) to one of these stations for inspection. Inspections may range in price from $100 up to $500, but that is still unknown. If your car passes inspection, you will be issued (And have to pay for) a new title, and the specifics of your vehicle will be entered into a data base.

    Now here's where the fun comes in. A state trooper may pull you over at any time, even if you are legally licensed, inspected, etc, and doing absolutely nothing wrong. He will print out a list of specifics from the data base, and compare them to your vehicle. If ANYTHING has changed on your vehicle, he will fine you, declare that your title is now invalid, and force you to go through the expensive inspection and retitling process all over again, and you will not be able to use your car until you comply. Listen to what I said. ANY CHANGE IN YOUR VEHICLE can result in a fine, and costly reinspection and retitleing. So that means that if you change the size of your tires, put on different wheels, add air shocks, add a lift kit, add ground effects, ANYTHING, you are in trouble.

    This will affect EVERY SINGLE CAR OWNER AND DRIVER IN THE STATE OF PA, NEW CARS AND OLD. If you buy a brand new truck and put bigger tires on it, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you buy a tuner and put ground effects on it, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you buy a motorcycle and put custom pipes on it, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you replace the engine in your cars with another size engine, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you repaint your car, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If your car develops rust, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you put headers on your car, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you change the exhaust on your car, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. If you change the air induction system on your car, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS. I repeat, anything that deviates from 100% stock, or changes your vehicle in any way from the last time it was titled, IS IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS.

    This is a savage, and brutal attack on the drivers of PA, and especially the car enthusiasts in this state.

    What can you do? If you are concerned (You should be FURIOUS!), there are things you can do. Groups are starting to form, but we need all of the help and support we can get from all of you. This is a battle that will depend on grassroots support. No one will fight for us or help us, unless we show that we will not take this sort of thing lying down. Car clubs are starting to rally, petitions are starting to be passed around. People are starting to complain to their elected officials. I urge every driver in PA to sign one of the petitions, and join one of the groups. Volunteer a little of your time and service, or it will untimately cost you much more. Call, email, or write to the state senators and representatives and tell them that you want this stopped. The people that are implementing this insideous program are appointed, but the politicians are elected, so tell them straight out that you are so mad, that if they don't do anything about this, you will not vote for them in the next election.

    There has been almost no information about these new laws let out to the public. The state is trying to get inspection stations to sign a contract to become one of these enhanced inspection stations, so if you, or someone you know owns an inspections station, tell them to refuse to join up. If they read the fine print of the contract, they will find out that if they accept the terms of the contract, THEY WILL AGREE TO ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR ANY CURRENT AND FUTURE PROBLEMS RELATED TO OR CAUSED BY ANY VEHICLE THEY INSPECT.

    A friend of mine, and longtime car enthusiast, Bob Pisaneschi is locally spearheading the fight against the new laws. He has already been in contact with State Representative Dan Surra, who was totally unaware of the extent of PENNDOTS plans. Mr Surra, a car enthusiast himself, was quick to promote the creation of a MOTORSPORTS CAUCUS in the state legislature, to protect the rights of car enthusiasts in the state of PA. Every driver in PA needs to contact MR. Surra (814-375-4688), and give him your support, and tell him that you don't agree with the new Enhanced Vehicle Inspection Program, and its impact on drivers, car owners, and car enthusiasts in the state of PA. Every driver should also contact his or her own State Representatives and Senators, and voice these same concerns to them. If you would like Bob Pisaneschi to talk to your group or car club, to learn the true extent and potential impact of these new laws, and to see how you can help, PM me, and I will put you in touch with him.

    Please, I urge every driver and car owner in PA, and especially those of us who own custom, collector, streetrod, hotrod, or any other type of special vehicle, to get involved in the fight now, and not let the state of PA pull these Gestapo-like tactics on the law abiding drivers and car enthusaists of PA. If you don;t do it, no one else will, and you will have no one else to blame, but yourself, when collector and special interest vehicles become a thing of the past. This is truely a sad day in the history of this great state, when a decent, law-abiding interest and hobby like ours is targeted for destruction by a few self-serving, misinformed, beurocratic bozos like the ones who developed these new policies."
    289 slabside cobra

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  2. #2
    far from a newb!!! INSANELY CRAZY's Avatar
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    holl s**t this would suck if it goes into effect..

    well if it does, guess im moving outta pa

    just another state scam to get money from us
    ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt

    2003 polaris predator 500

    (wanna ride,just pm me!!!)

  3. #3
    Member 97 Mustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INSANELY CRAZY View Post
    holl s**t this would suck if it goes into effect..

    well if it does, guess im moving outta pa

    just another state scam to get money from us
    but i doubt that it will ever go into effect

  4. #4
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 97 Mustang View Post
    but i doubt that it will ever go into effect

    I agree. Something like this was tried back in the early 90's and NEVER flew.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    i think its b.s. i mean look at this:

    "If your car develops rust, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE NEW LAWS"

    no way thats'll never happen
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  6. #6
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    I got about 1/2 way through it and decided that my car better just be MODIFIED to the point that I can OUTRUN any statie that tries to pull me over.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  7. #7
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    Chad told be about that but its not on the sema website?

    I don't think it would go through. and if it did, I'd move! lol. outer banks here I come!:p
    Last edited by One Sweet Day; 05-06-2007 at 12:33 PM.

  8. #8
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    Did anyone call the number to even see about this? California follows close rules like this...
    2003 Sonic Blue Cobra - AccuFab Throttle Body, JLT "sonic blue" CAI, Diablosport Predator, 2.81 Pulley, 100mm Idler Pulley, Pro 5.0 Short Shifter, Bassani Catted X-Pipe, Bassani Cat-Back Exhuast, Eibach Sport Line Springs, FR500's, Corbeau A4 Microsuede seats, Sequential Tail Lights.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    thats cali though. Some lady just brought in a 97 mustang gt she just got from cali for a tune up and it had 6 cats on it. So i dont think it will fly here though

  10. #10
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    was reading their responses to the thread....
    someone had put this up


  11. #11
    Banned George C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Sweet Day View Post
    was reading their responses to the thread....
    someone had put this up

    well according to that, all of our rides are reconstructed bascially

  12. #12
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Sounds like a gun control bill for cars:upyours:
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

  13. #13
    i think if that goes in affect it will finally put me over the edge to move. I'm 18, i can start a career anywhere, the only thing that was keeping me here is family friends and less hassle. its definetly not the climate ( i cant stand) or the roads... they do this I'm gone, as will a lot of other young people. other then Katrina we have the biggest decline in residents. i guess #2 is not good enough for them

  14. #14
    Senior Member Steve-0's Avatar
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    All of that will never go into effect. Anyone realize how much work that would be for the state, plus how much it would cost them initially? Its just not gonna happen, especially anytime in the near future.

    03 Cobra=slow show car...
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  15. #15
    Banned. shawnsvtcobra's Avatar
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    This is such bullshit, another penn dot cluster.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    I have already turned it down... I got a letter talking about it last year and it said to return the signed copy or something, i straight threw it away...
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  17. #17
    Member itow's Avatar
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    Well, I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but this is alread IN effect.. As of Jan 07, if you buy a car that was totalled (or are trying to get a title for something rebuilt) you now HAVE to go to one of the Enhanced stations.. I am applying for my enhanced license for my shop, but it is a LONG drawn out affair to get them. I have not heard anything about cops deciding who has to get a reconstructed title (like pulling someone over or anything) but otherwise it is all in FULL effect already!

  18. #18
    Member madmaxin22's Avatar
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    friend of mine has one of the new stations... actually 100x easier getting a title for wrecks and salvages.. havent heard them say anything about all this othe crap.. untill you hear of ppl getting pulled over and sent to get a new title, i wouldnt worry about it
    2014 RAM QUAD CAB 8SPD

  19. #19
    loud n' proud 95riosnake's Avatar
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    I'm glad I'm in WV, and I was already avoiding moving to PA because of emissions, let alone if the full extremity of this would go into effect.


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  20. #20
    far from a newb!!! INSANELY CRAZY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    I have already turned it down... I got a letter talking about it last year and it said to return the signed copy or something, i straight threw it away...
    lol... good for you!!!
    ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt

    2003 polaris predator 500

    (wanna ride,just pm me!!!)

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