I should of went during the day myself. I made three passes in the night in mine, just frustrated myself frankly.
I should of went during the day myself. I made three passes in the night in mine, just frustrated myself frankly.
Not a lot of TnT cars in the day but with the races and Stocks/Superstock running track prep was very good. Even with some street tired cars mixed in with slick cars that were there for TnT.
2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
2004 Mustang GT - Comp Orange/5speed Best 1/4 11.94@113.64, 1/8 7.59@89.48, 1.57 60' - Best 60' 1.51, just a NA 2v
I still can't get over how fast that thing is Bob nice bullshit ting with you Saturday
I will say it first. Traci definitely tree'd me on the pass we made together.
2019 Hellcat
2015 Norwalk NMRA true street 13 second winner
Lol, if you think you have heard the last of that, you don't know her ....
I bought a timing light light on her birthday 14 years ago, still hear about it